A small Texas corporation seeking to elevate productivity told its employees to look in the mirror and say: Cultural Psychology Essay, NTU


A small Texas corporation seeking to elevate productivity told its employees to look in the mirror and say “I am beautiful” 100 times before coming to work each day. Employees of a Japanese supermarket that was recently opened in New Jersey were instructed to begin the day by holding hands and telling each other that “he/she is beautiful.” Such anecdotes suggest that people in America and Japan may hold strikingly divergent construal of the self, others, and the interdependence of the two.

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Source: https://sites.duke.edu/culturelab/files/2021/07/Culture_and_the_Self_Implications_for_Cognition_Em.pdf

Based on the extract, examine the the East-West dichotomy in self-concept. Using relevant research evidence, assess the extent that people in different cultures have strikingly different construals of the self and of others.

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