Activity 1: Post Individually share an anecdote where you have demonstrated lead

Activity 1: Post Individually share an anecdote where you
have demonstrated leadership in your personal life. The purpose of this
informal dialogue with your peers is to encourage sharing of experiences and
celebrating of each other’s leadership accomplishments and contributions. Some
of the things you might consider as you share your anecdote are a brief
description of the situation, how you identified this as a leadership
situation, how you impacted the people involved in that situation, what others
have said about your leadership in that situation, and what you learned from
this experience. How do you think this situation or other similar situations
you have encountered in your personal life will contribute to shaping your
leadership roles in nursing?
This post will require the 250 words and scholarly
USE EBSCO website for scholarly one scholarly is enough
My experience was when someone I know reached out to me, she
is not my friend or family but I know her name. She confided with the struggle with
mental health. I recognized the seriousness of the situation, I immediately
understood the need for leadership. I listened attentively, offering empathy
and support and then took proactive steps to assist her in getting the help  they needed. It involved me to research about
mental health resources, accompanying her to therapy appointments and I
provided ongoing encouragement. It took months for her to significantly improve
with her mental health. She acknowledged and expressed gratitude for the
support. This experience taught me the importance of being proactive,
empathetic and resourceful in supporting others during challenging moments.
Reflecting on this situation, these qualities are essential
to nursing leadership roles. By demonstrating leadership in personal situations
like this is helpful in developing skills and qualities that can translate into
effective leadership in nursing such as empathy and communication.