As a counselor, you may be familiar with recommending resources to clients, but you may not be prepared with the knowledge of similar resources for colleagues, other c

As a counselor, you may be familiar with recommending resources to clients, but you may not be prepared with the knowledge of similar resources for colleagues, other crisis response members, or for your own use. When faced with a crisis, it is important for counselors to be ready to recommend these kinds of resources on short notice while adhering to their ethical obligations as practitioners. 

Consider the demographics of the population in your local area (community, city, county, or state) that you intend to serve in your counseling practice. 

Create a resource packet to provide to clients and colleagues in your area who are experiencing a developmental crisis, cultural crisis, or loss. Your resource packet should include a variety of the following at the local and national level:

A list of 3–4 web resourcesA list of 3–4 booksA list of 3–4 support groupsA list of 3–4 exercises or activities they can do on their ownAccessibility supports for individuals with disabilitiesCulturally appropriate and supportive resources for your areaAt least 2 resources for colleagues on supporting self-care and preventing vicarious traumaAny other pertinent resources for clients or colleagues

Reflect on your reasons for choosing these resources to support individuals in your area. 

Summarize the cultural considerations that you made when choosing these resources, including commentary on the defining factors of your target population, such as their socioeconomic status, spirituality, gender identity, race, etc. 

Identify a counselor’s ethical obligations when choosing and sharing resources for crisis and trauma support.

Format the citations in your packet and a reference page according to APA guidelines.