As a forensic psychology professional, which of the two articles would you use as evidence to support your ideas, and why.

Post a brief description of each article you identified, along with their citations and URLs. Then, address the following:

Compare and contrast the two articles, and further explain the differences you noticed between them.
Explain how the use of peer-review articles can improve the arguments you make in your scholarly writing.
As a forensic psychology professional, which of the two articles would you use as evidence to support your ideas, and why?

Although there is no specific word count required for Discussion posts, a good initial post can typically be expressed in 200?300 words. Regardless of length, posts should be reflective, substantive, and evidence based.

Read a selection of your colleagues? postings.

The post As a forensic psychology professional, which of the two articles would you use as evidence to support your ideas, and why. first appeared on Blu Writers.