As your readings for this module discuss, media industries prefer familiar patte

As your readings for this module discuss, media industries prefer familiar patterns to content over radical innovations for a number of reasons. The familiar tends to draw in audiences more readily than the completely new; the familiar is easier to sell to advertisers; and the familiar streamlines the production process (whereas new content often involves reinventing it). However, hybrid genres and attempts at hybridity do occur across media industries. For this DB post, I want you to think of two examples of hybrid media content. Discuss what that content is a hybrid mixture of, and what justifies it as being hybrid in form. 
For your post, remember that your initial response must be at least 300 words, and must cite at least one example from the textbook reading (you must provide page numbers). from the video itself. Note that you must post your initial response before you can view/response to other classmates’ posts.
Then, respond to two different classmates’ posts. Your responses to classmate posts must be a minimum of 75 words, and must genuinely contribute to the conversation. (In other words, don’t just write a variation of “I agree.” Actually respond). 
Your responses will be graded based on merit, completeness, and spelling/grammar.
TED Talk: Henry Jenkins Convergence Culture
watch this video as well … read chapter 3 and 4