EMERGING TECHNOLOGY: Final Project: Spring 2024 Topics: Content LINKS 1. https

EMERGING TECHNOLOGY: Final Project: Spring 2024
Topics: Content LINKS
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCbcIFAtB0A
2. https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/newsroom/resources/moores-law.html#gs.8s0ss4
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfgmlVxLC9w
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-GXO_urMow
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGEAiUeiaKs
1. Research the links above and create a website with 3 webpages using only the techniques learned in class and as illustrated in the textbook.
2. Note: (Do not use Dreamweaver, Visual Studio or any other webapps and WYSIWYG applications for this assignment.
3. The 3 webpages for the website must be titled/named as follows. (1) Index.html, (2) Table.html (3) Contact.html) using only TextEdit, Notepad++ or plain Notepad.
4. The Index.html page should contain the following:
Think carefully about the topics above and give YOUR opinion in minimum of 3 paragraphs on the following:
a. Research, compare and contrast the topics from links 3, 4 and 5) to Moore’s Law and explain If/How/Why the topics are connected.
b. Explain how the emerging technology from the links above is affecting or will affect your daily routine, state the advantages and/or disadvantages of these types of technologies
c. Note: No plagiarism, meaning, NO COPY AND PASTING OF CONTENT FROM INTERNET ARTICLES. Tools to check for plagiarism will be used to check the presentation resulting in deduction of points if online contents are matched. The idea is to provide personal opinions and experiences on how emerging technology play a role in the daily lives of consumers and to make the connections from your research and the content links provided.
d. Make sure to create paragraph headings for each paragraph.
e. All pages must have identical menus and connect to and from each page.
f. Create a div ID on the index page to accommodate users getting back to the top of the page via a hyperlink titled “Back to Top”.
g. Create a logo in the header section that will link to the table.html page using an image of your choice from the images folder populated with your image collection. (Do not use images from the fitness/images folder.
h. Create/code a numbered list after the last paragraph to display the links topics as shown above.
i. Using Embedded CSS style rules, create the following for all pages: (a) Page background color of your choice, (b) Paragraph headings background color of your choice (c) create a class to change the font/text color of the last paragraph. (Meaning that the 3rd paragraph should have a different font color from the other paragraphs.
The Table.html Page:
Create a table with 3 columns and 4 Rows to contain the following contents below. The Audio player must play and audio file of your choice from the media folder and the video must be an embedded YouTube video (meaning, just the video and not the video link)
EMBEDDED VIDEO Video Must Appear Here Place a Technology Image of Choice Here
IMAGE Place a Technology Image of Choice Here Technology Related
a. A logo of your choice in the header.
b. Identical menu as the Index and Contact pages.
c. Page background color of your choice (different to the table background)
d. Create embedded style rules to apply the following to the table page:
e. A table background.
f. Cellpadding
The Contact.html Page
a. Must contain a logo, identical menu as on the index and table pages.
b. Copyright the page with your personal information (fictitious of course)
c. Display your company’s email address and Tel number(s)
d. Create a simple feedback form (We did not cover forms but use your skills and the latter part of chapter 8)
e. Use embedded CSS to apply color the page.
Reminder: Make this easy by using the template used in class, edit and be innovative but do not send me any copy and pasted content with JavaScript and MetaData coding that you do not understand to impress because it will go into the digital trashcan.