Assignment Guidelines: Reading: Access and thoroughly read the case study titled

Assignment Guidelines:
Reading: Access and thoroughly read the case study titled “How Directors Get into Trouble: Interlocking Director
Length: the answer should be concise yet comprehensive. The total word count for your answers to both questions combined should be between 700-1000 words.
Formatting: Use Times New Roman, 12pt font, and double spacing. Remember to include your name, student ID, and date at the top left corner of your document.
Submission: Upload your answers in a .doc or .pdf format on Canvas under Assignment #5 by the specified due date and time.
What is wrong with interlocking directors?
Should the telecommunication company’s CEO be asked to resign from the utility company board?
Excellent (30-40 points)
Good (20-29 points)
Needs Improvement (0-19 points)
Understanding of the Case
Demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the case’s main points and nuances.
Demonstrates a basic understanding but misses some critical details.
Demonstrates a minimal understanding or misinterprets key elements.
Critical Analysis
Provides a well-reasoned and insightful analysis of the issues. Uses evidence from the case to support the analysis.
Offers a basic analysis with some evidence but may not delve deep or miss out on key aspects.
Provides a superficial analysis without adequate support from the case.
Coherence and Clarity
The answer is well-structured, coherent, and free of grammatical errors.
The answer has minor structural or grammatical issues but is generally understandable.
The answer is incoherent or fraught with numerous grammatical errors.
Relevance to the Course Material
Integrates relevant concepts, theories, or materials from the course to enrich the analysis.
Mentions some relevant course material but does not integrate it effectively.
Does not mention or ineffectively uses course materials.