BMP4004 Contemporary Issues in Marketing Assignment 1

Module Name: Contemporary Issues in Marketing

Assessment Type (and weighting): Individual Written Report (2000 words)

Assessment Name: The nature and importance of the marketing mix within the marketing process

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO1: Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the marketing process in the contemporary business context.

LO2: Demonstrate understanding of the concept of the marketing mix and explain how this is employed when developing a new product/service.

Assessment Brief:

Using the case study – Enterprise Cars, you will explain the nature and importance of the marketing mix within the marketing process –

You will be required to discuss how the marketing mix and other key marketing theory can impact the success of marketing activity with particular reference to customer satisfaction.

You should present your report professionally using Ariel 12 pt font size and include the following sections: –

Cover page
Content Page
Main Body – with headings and sub-headings
Reference List

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