
Book:     Include the “Word Count” after each of your answers. Not doing so will keep you from 
earning the points assigned in the grading rubric for including the word count. 
Part A:
• You need to answer the following questions/prompts (in no less than 150 words per answer) 
focusing on expressing accurate knowledge as presented in the course, without expressing your 
opinion or ideas not covered during class discussions or in the required readings/materials
assigned in the course —please do not copy others’ answers (I will give you F in the course if 
you do). You need to independently develop your own answers.
PUB – Public Sector Ethics Spring 2024
© 2024 Dr. Hugo D. Asencio Page 3 of 5
1. Explain the myths about ethics (Key: review book chapter assigned for Week 2 Chapter 1).
2. Discuss the reasons for studying ethics (Key: review book chapter assigned for Week 2 chapter 1).
3. Explain the levels of analysis in ethics (Key: review book chapter assigned for Week 3 chapter 2).
4. (a) Define values and ethics and (b) explain their relationship (Key: review book chapter 
assigned for Week 4 chapter 3).
5. Compare Lawrence Kohlberg’s moral development theory and Jonathan Haidt social 
intuitionalist approach (Key: review book chapter assigned for Week 5 chapter 4).
6. Explain the takeaways from the Milgram and Zimbardo experiments (Key: review book 
chapter assigned for Week 5 chapter 4).
7. Compare cognitive (result and rule problem-solving) and virtue ethics (Key: review book 
chapter assigned for Weeks 6 and 7 chapter 5/6).
8. Explain how the psychological tendencies discussed by James Bowman and Jonathan 
West influence the thinking and actions of people when they are faced with ethical 
dilemmas (Key: review book chapter assigned for Week 8 chapter 7 ).
• You need to include the full question (in bold) before your answer (not in bold). 
• After each answer, please include (in bold) the word count under the heading “Word Count.”
Part B:
• You need to answer the following questions/prompts (in no less than 250 words per answer) 
focusing on expressing what is in your mind/your moral character —Please reflect, reflect, and 
reflect as you develop your answers. Do not copy others’ answers (I will give you F in the 
course if you do).
1. (a) Identify the values of your personal moral code (i.e., your individual attitudes 
with respect to what is moral) and (b) illustrate with examples from your own 
experience how the values of your personal moral code actually guide your thinking 
and actions.
2. Based on the ethical decision-making models that you learned about/applied in the 
course, explain the mental steps that you will take in your life when faced with 
ethical dilemmas (i.e., “… when competing or conflicting ethical principles or values 
are embedded in a particular problem” (Cooper, 2012, p. 32):
a. When you do not have the luxury of time to make a decision; and
b. When you do have the luxury of time to make a decision.
• You need to include the full question (in bold) before your answer (not in bold). 
• After each answer, please include (in bold) the word count under the heading “Word Count.”
Developing an answer that avoids quoting directly from the instructional materials provided in 
the course.
5. Including the question/prompt (in bold font) before the answer.
Including after the answer (in bold font) the word count under the heading “Word Count”. 
8. Formatting an answer in line with APA style (7th edition) guidelines.