Question 1
Question 1 of TMA02 will be a group presentation during Session 5. Everyone will be randomly allocated to groups on the day of the session. All groups will have 20 minutes to prepare their presentation Present the following:
(i) Create an activity to assess the throwing competence of individuals. The throwing activity should be able to differentiate between novice and proficient individuals.
(ii) Explain the theoretical underpinnings of the activity.
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(iii) State the differences between motor performance and motor learning.
(iv) Justify if the activity is assessing motor performance or motor learning with relevant empirical evidence and examples.
(v) Elaborate on how the activity can be used to track the motor learning of the individual based on the principles associated with motor learning.
You are to submit the PPT or PDF copy of the presentation slides presented onto the specified submission link on Canvas. (5 marks for presentation and 10 marks for content) (Total 15 marks)
Create a power point slides, every questions provide one slides each . Provide pictures, charts or diagrams with explanations. Relate to the 5 questions.
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