Classification Essay Instructions
The object of this essay is to show control of the writing technique known as classification. You will choose a topic group by a certain criteria. Then you will choose categories. Be sure to read pages 395-397 in the textbook. The sample Classification Essay has a quotation from one of our class essays, but you are not required to include a quotation in this essay. If you decide to include a quotation, then it must be from one of the essays on our course schedule. Also, you must cite it and include a Works Cited page.
Some possible topics are listed below. For each topic, you will need to decide upon a criteria for separating the topic into categories, and then you will need to decide upon your categories.
Your essay will have at least five paragraphs: An introduction with a thesis statement, at least three body paragraphs with clear topic sentences supporting the points in your thesis, and a conclusion summarizing your paper. For this paper, you may decide to have more than three categories, so you will need a paragraph for each category.
Word Count: 500 (minimum) to 900 (maximum)
MLA Format: Be sure to double-space your paper and indent the first line of each paragraph. You will use MLA format for your heading as well as pagination. You will see examples for spacing, the heading, pagination, in the Sample Classification Essay.
Purpose: Inform/entertain
Audience: General (professor/classmates)
Tone: Formal–You will use a formal tone, which means you will follow the guidelines below:
–Stay in plural third person–Use people, travelers, students, readers, writers, etc. You will avoid the use of “I” or “you” in your paper.
–Avoid contractions–don’t, can’t won’t, etc.
–Proofread for grammatical errors: comma splices, fragments, fused sentences, subject/verb agreement, pronoun agreement, pronoun reference, pronoun case, pronoun shifts.
Essay Format:
Introduction: In your introduction, use an attention device and state your thesis or main point to be supported by your examples. The introduction may be the best place to include a cited quotation from one of the professional essays. The last sentence of your introduction should be your thesis statement.
Sample Thesis: Travelers must plan accordingly when they travel statewide, nationally, or internationally.
You will use a simple formula for your thesis: 1) State your topic–Traveling/Travelers, 2) State the criteria for the categories–how to plan for different types of travel 3) State your categories–statewide travel, national travel, international travel
Body paragraphs–Use a topic sentence to start each body paragraph and give several examples in each body paragraph. You must have at least three body paragraphs. Be sure your topic sentences and your examples support your thesis statement.
Topic Sentences–
Topic sentence 1: First, traveling statewide often requires moderate planning.
Topic sentence 2 with transition: In addition, traveling nationally often takes research and timing to plan the perfect trip.
Topic sentence 3 with transition: Finally, traveling internationally requires extensive planning.
Conclusion: In your conclusion, restate the concept of your thesis. Also, summarize each point in your conclusion. Avoid including new information.
I have listed some possible topics below. You can choose one of these topics if you like, or you can choose a similar one.
Groups Criteria Categories
Dogs Criteria: Best house pets Categories: Chihuahua, West Highland Terrier, Yorkie
Music Criteria: Good mood music Categories: jazz, pop, Gospel
Students Criteria: How students dress Categories: goths, athletes, academics, cowboys
Jobs Criteria: Best jobs for mothers Categories: teacher, dental hygienist, nurse
Novels Criteria: Good for a trip Categories: romance, mystery, fantasy
Clothing Criteria: Favorite shoes Categories: sneakers, boots, house slippers
Friends Criteria: Dependability Categories: weekend friends, true friends, Facebook friends
Classes Criteria: Reasons to take them Categories: fun, degree plan, job requirements
Travel Criteria: Reasons to travel Categories: Pleasure, Business, Educational
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