Complete this Cultural Diversity Awareness Questionnaire, then answer the follow

Complete this Cultural Diversity Awareness Questionnaire, then answer the following questions. You do not have to share your score from the questionnaire; only share your introspective thoughts. Record your answers on a Word document.
One purpose of this questionnaire is to identify your attitudes and perspectives regarding cultural diversity. Did your results surprise you? Why or why not? Give examples.
How might your values, beliefs, and assumptions affect your ability to support others? Give examples.
Describe how your cultural awareness has evolved in nursing school since caring for clients. Give examples.
What leadership-specific goals could you make related to cultural awareness or diversity and inclusion? List and discuss at least 2 goals.
What would we gain (in healthcare) if we were more diverse and inclusive? Discuss.
If your score is 100–129, you are in the high range.
This self-assessment is designed to measure your beliefs and behavior regarding cultural diversity and
inclusion. A higher score on the assessment indicates that you are acutely aware of prejudice and bias,
and that you are very aware of the impact of your behavior on others. Individuals who score high relate
to others in ways that value diversity. A lower score on the assessment suggests that you are unaware
of prejudice and bias, and that you are not fully aware of the impact of your biased behavior on others.
Individuals who score low communicate with others in ways that do not value diversity  
“Nurses must develop cultural competence to deliver care that meets standards of culturally congruent care…Cultural competence involves knowing yourself and examining your own values, attitudes, beliefs, and prejudices. It entails keeping an open mind and trying to see the world from a different cultural perspective.
“[Nurses must] respect differences among people, recognizing that every group has its strengths and weaknesses…[They must] learn to communicate effectively while being mindful of nonverbal communication such as body movements, use of personal space, and gestures, [and] be resourceful and creative in modifying nursing interventions in culturally competent ways. Consider your nursing actions carefully when interacting with a patient from another culture” (Williams, 2022, p. 193).
Take this opportunity to practice introspection and examine your own beliefs about cultural diversity. 
Cultural diversity questionnaire. (n.d.). Retrieved from to an external site.