ENGL147N Week 4 Discussion: Source Evaluation

ENGL147N Week 4 Discussion: Source Evaluation

ENGL147N Week 4 Discussion: Source Evaluation

Welcome to Week 4! You may begin posting on March 23, 2019 for credit. This week we are learning more about information literacy and source evaluation. We have all read information online that seemed less than credible, and we have all likely done further research to determine if the source was trustworthy and the information accurate.

This week, you also learned about the CRAAP (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose) Test, which is one way to determine the credibility of a source.

On this discussion board, you will be choosing one of several con-position sources. You will then discuss how credible the source is using the CRAAP evaluation model.

In this digital age, it is really important to consider sources. While the CRAAP evaluation model is a great starting point, we also have to look at little beyond those numbers when considering sources. While we are using this method to help determine credibility, there are some who argue that it doesn’t always “catch” the bad information.

I found the following source interesting if you’d like to check it out:

Breakstone, J., McGrew, S., Smith, M., Ortega, T., & Wineburg, S. (2018). Why we need a new approach to teaching digital literacy. Phi Delta Kappan, 99(6), 27. Retrieved from https://doi-org.chamberlainuniversity.idm.oclc.org/10.1177/0031721718762419Links to an external site.

Be sure to post before Wednesday night. See our discussion rubric as a reference when you are writing your initial post.

If you have any questions at all, email me or post to our class Q & A.

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The article I chose was Risk assessment and prevention of complications in aesthetic surgery, which was published in September of 2014. The date of publication is important in determining how current the information is. When it comes to healthcare, information that is over 5-years-old is considered out of date (Chamberlain University, n.d). The publication year of 2014, puts it just outside of the 5-year window, rendering the article no longer current.     

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The topic of the article was managing compilations in cosmetic surgery through conducting a risk assessment prior to surgery. The source is a secondary source, as it is reviewing and analyzing information from other sources (American University, n.d.). It would be an appropriate source for an academic paper due to being a peer reviewed article in an academic journal, and the sources used to write it were also from academic journals. The article was written by a doctor and published in an academic journal, The Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery. This adds credibility to the article. When selecting search criteria for article results, and choosing “peer reviewed”, this article is listed as being peer reviewed. There are three additional sources cited throughout the article, which are all reliable sources from academic journals.       

I think the main focus of this article was to shed light on the prevalence of some of the more serious complications that can occur in procedures that are considered low risk, and to implore practitioners to be more proactive in reducing occurrences. The article also went into detail regarding complications that often do not get reported, and get swept under the rug, for various reasons. The author believes there should be a system in place to allow practitioners to anonymously self-report adverse reactions and outcomes without the fear of bad publicity (Khunger, 2014). 

American University. (n.d.). Primary vs. Secondary Sources. Retrieved from: https://subjectguides.library.american.edu/primaryLinks to an external site.

Chamberlain University. (n.d.). Module 4: Information Literacy.In ENGL 147N-10357: Advanced English Composition: Spring 2020. Retrieved from: https://chamberlain.instructure.com/courses/63322/pages/week-4-lesson-information-literacy?module_item_id=8547190

Khunger, N. (2014, September). Risk assessment and prevention of complications in aesthetic surgery. Journal of Cutaneous & Aesthetic Surgery, 7(3),141-142.  

This article made me curious about how frequently complications occur, and in doing a little bit of research, I found another very interesting topic relating to plastic surgery: Medical Tourism. As nurses, you all probably are familiar with this term. It refers to those who go outside of the country to seek medical procedures. I have known a handful of people who did this. I always considered it really risky.

In a 2018 article, the authors conducted a study on 78 people who lived in the US but traveled to other countries to have cosmetic procedures done, and who were seen in a US academic medical center for complications following those procedures.

Ross, Moscoso, Bayer, Rosselli-Risal, and Orgill found that of those 78, the largest group suffered complications after abdominoplasty (35), while the second-largest group was those who had had breast augmentation (25); another large group, the third-highest, was those who had gotten injections (15) (2018). They also found that the most common destination country that people visited for surgery was the Dominican Republic.

The authors concluded that “Cosmetic surgery performed in developing countries can carry substantial risks of complications that can be challenging to patients, primary care providers, insurers, and plastic surgical teams not associated with the original surgery” (Ross et  al., 2018).

I just have to wonder how desperate people are for plastic surgery that they, as US citizens, are willing to travel to a developing country to get the procedure done. There are risks of complications with any surgery, anywhere, but this seems to be so much added risk. It is becoming more and more popular, though, and these complications are being treated here once the patients return.

Ross, K., Moscoso, L., Bayer, L., Rosselli-Risal, L. & Orgill, D.P.(2018). Plastic surgery complications from medical tourism treated in a u.s. academic medical center. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29595725 (Links to an external site.)

I read some articles on Medical tourism in the past and quite frankly there are many risks involved. I think I mentioned before that I had plastic surgery done in Brazil. I, however, knew my surgeon personally. He’s the only plastic surgeon I would ever trust to do my surgery. He just happens to live and practice in Brazil. I also have family in Brazil and went to Brazil for three months. The reason I did that was specifically to prevent any risk of complications. I wanted to make sure I was healed before I traveled back home. I had done all my homework prior to making this decision. It’s very risky to go to another country after a surgical procedure. First, you are at an extreme risk to develop a clot during your flight back home. Secondly, your sutures may rupture due to the pressures of the flight. Lastly, if any complications arise you have to see a doctor who has no idea what procedure was done and how it was done. This puts the patient more at risk of complications.

Just to add, I think most people’s motives to go to another country for surgery would be the cost of surgery. The cost of plastic surgery in other countries is about a third of the cost of surgery in the US. In some countries, it’s about a fifth of the cost. I believe this is the biggest reason medical tourism exists.  

I found this article from Forbes magazine interesting. It’s from 2016 but it gives some insight on why people consider places like Brazil to have plastic surgery done. 

https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2016/08/08/in-plastic-surgery-brazil-gets-the-silver-medal-behind/#33b368853642Links to an external site.

Wow. A third of the cost is really substantial. I can see the draw there. It’s awesome that you did your research and went with someone you know and trust. I think, too, you are from Brazil, so you probably feel safer to be in a country that you are familiar with, right? My mother-in-law is from Thailand, but she has lived in the US since she was 17. She has gone back to Thailand to have work done over the years. She speaks the language, has family there, and does not feel like “a tourist” there. It’s her home as much as the US is her home.

I think that you were smart to plan to stay for a while. It sounds like a lot of the problems stem from leaving the area too soon. I have read articles about complications occurring after the patient returns to their home country, and then they have to be hospitalized back hom. So, this just creates more costs for them.