Essay question: “The Trustee Act 2000 introduced welcome reforms to the area of

Essay question:

“The Trustee Act 2000 introduced welcome reforms to the area of trustee investment. It is clear that a trustee can now account for any kind of environmental and ethical considerations when making investments on behalf of beneficiaries. The societal benefits of these reforms outweigh any negative consequences for beneficiaries.”

Critically analyse the legitimacy of the above statement.



Introduction(150 Words)

Pathway to The Trustee Act 2000

Pathway to the reforms Trustee Act 2000 to the area of trustee investment

2. Environmental Considerations(350 Words)

Write about the relationship between the Environmental Considerations and The Trustee Act 2000 + in which part you can find it in the Act

2.1 IN Positive consequences for beneficiaries (100 Words)

2.2 IN Negative consequences for beneficiaries (100 Words)

2.3 Analysis paragraph (150 Words)

3. Ethical Considerations (350 Words)

Write about the relationship between the Environmental Considerations and The Trustee Act 2000 + in which part you can find it in the Act

3.1 Positive consequences for beneficiaries(100 Words)

3.2 Negative consequences for beneficiaries(100 Words)

3.3 Analysis paragraph (150 Words)

4. Conclusion (150 Words)


(1000 words) For the whole essay

OSCOLA referencing in the footnote

Only Use: Cases, Regulation, Acts, Directives and Prereview Articles from google scholar

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