Evidence Hierarchy of Designs based on Polit & Beck Systematic review or meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) Systematic review or meta-analysis of nonradomized trials Multi-center RCTs

Assignment Task 

Evidence Hierarchy of Designs based on Polit & Beck

Systematic review or meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs)Systematic review or meta-analysis of nonradomized trialsMulti-center RCTsSingle RCTSingle nonrandomized trialSingle quasi-experimental studySystematic review or meta-analysis of correlational/observational studiesSingle correlational/observational/non- experimental/cohort/longitudinal study Systematic review or meta-synthesis of descriptive/qualitative/quantitative/physiologic studies (includes non-RCT)Single descriptive/qualitative/ physiologic/pilot/feasibility studies/ concept analyses/theory development Quality improvement projectsOpinions of authorities, expert committees, letters to the editor, simple literature reviews, clinical guidelines


The next section will have the heading “PICOT Question”. Here you will write the Evidenced-Based Practice question as updated from your previous submissions. The next part is the “table of evidence” below. And lastly, a “reference” page. Your paper is aligned vertically (portrait), as usual, but the table is to be inserted horizontally (landscaped). Please do not re-create the table. Just use this one below keeping all the headings in place and writing only in non-shaded fields. Remember to delete these instructions.