Exam Part 1 – Case Scenario 1 Background “Sustainable construction faces economi

Exam Part 1 – Case Scenario 1 Background
“Sustainable construction faces economic challenges at different levels. On the macroeconomic level, the goals of sustainable construction are being implemented most actively in industrial countries in which the share of construction output is decreasing. However, in both less developed and newly industrialized countries, the share of construction output is increasing, but the goals of sustainable construction are more difficult to implement. On the mesoeconomic level, the construction sector depends on the implementation of the goals of sustainable development across the national economy as a whole. Supply chains feeding the construction sector are long and intertwined, making it difficult to assess the effect of different materials, components, and procedures. On the microeconomic level, buildings are created with shorter time horizons in response to being a demand-derived commodity and increasingly dominated by mechanical, electrical, and electronic equipment. Two broad approaches for meeting the economic challenges of sustainable construction are considered: governance through standards, legal and regulatory practices; market-oriented policies which influence the costs of particular forms of construction. Both approaches have a role, but it is argued that the market-oriented measures will be more effective at the strategic level.” – Ranko Bon & Keith Hutchinson (2000) Sustainable construction: some economic challenges, Building Research & Information, 28:5-6, 310-314
Research Question
Can stronger government policies and regulations improve the usage levels of Sustainable Development practices in the design and construction of building projects?
Research Hypotheses
Null Hypothesis
There is no difference in the average use of SD practices following the introduction of green
government policies and regulations.
Alternative Hypothesis There is a difference in the average use of SD practices following the introduction of green government policies and regulations.
Exam Question
1.In less than 1500 words, please analyze the above stated research hypotheses and evaluate theappropriate quantitative / qualitative methods for application in this case scenario.
Exam Part 2 – Case Scenario 2 Background
The River Hope has two sources and runs along three countries X, Y, and Z. These three countries shared the banks of this very vital river for millennia and it was a source of life for all people along its route. Country X is the upstream country for one of the water sources; Y is the path for both, and Z the downstream country.
The three countries had a 100-year-old treaty to share the water of the River Hope. The treaty portioned usage based on relative populations at that point in time. Over the last century, populations have risen dramatically in all three countries, and so did development requirements, dependence on water as a resource, and food provision needs for all citizens. Recently, country X started building a dam to generate power and develop its land and people. This dam will ultimately control the flow of water downstream and its construction led to a renegotiation of the century old treaty. Countries X, and Y argue the fairness aspect to their starving and thirsty people and country Z argues its own people’s dependence on the water reaching its land. Both are very valid arguments.
Political partialities and sentiments aside, what are the environmental, social, and economic impacts of such a project?
Exam Question
2.In less than 1500 words, please present a well-structured, fact based, and technically methodical,Project Impact Analysis that addresses the environmental, social, and economic dimensions of such adam project.