Purpose ? Reflective writing helps you look back at an experience or situation a

Reflective writing helps you look back at an experience or situation and offer your perspectives on it. This helps you consider why things occur, evaluate situations and apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It also helps you practice self-analysis with the aim of learning from an experience.
Task Description
In this task you will be reflecting on your learning experience while participating in the simulation: Customer Centricity. You are required to record your views, reactions and impressions of the experiences, and critically evaluate these experiences. You should connect your evaluation with theory (what you study at university) and practice (what you do in the workplace), and link ideas with what you have learnt in your coursework.
Use this framework to reflect on an experience:
Describe: describe what happened or you experienced during the role play? Why is it relevant particularly in relation to collaborative interorganisational experiences?
Respond: what did you observe? Did everything run smoothly or did you experience difficulties? How did you respond accordingly? What critical moments or events occurred? How did it make you feel?
Evaluate: is there a connection between this and your discipline knowledge discussed in this unit, professional experience, or own skills? Have you experienced this before within a work or education situation? If so, were the conditions the same or different? Do you have the experience and knowledge to deal with it (please explain)? What knowledge do you think you should learn to better deal with these situations in the future?
Analyse: what are the important factors underlying this experience? Why are they important to your understanding? Is there any theory and literature that supports your reasoning? Are there any other perspectives?
Conclude: what general or specific conclusion can you draw?
Action: what next, or what will you do next time? Why would you do this?
In reflective writing, it is important to remember:
It is about you, recording your views, reactions, and impressions, so use “I” and other personal pronouns. E.g. I conducted the class with my mentor… and I thought it went well.
When you use action verbs these usual express feelings and thoughts. E.g. Considered, thought, felt, wondered, learned, etc.
Use cautious and tentative words. E.g. May, perhaps, or might.
Word limit: 1,000 words including references
Referencing: APA style 
My Draft:
In the classroom, through a marketing simulation, students assume the role of Chief Marketing Officer to allocate budgets to internal and external resources. They learn to analyze data and practice decision-making, determining how to distribute budgets to purchase different reports, packages, or other resources that will facilitate both the short-term and long-term development of the company. This includes building and maintaining a network as well as maximizing profitability.
During the simulation, what struck me most was that starting from the third period, I realized that while maintaining existing powerful customers is crucial for sustaining long-term business, actively pursuing new customers is also vital. A steady influx of new customers is essential for exploring potential opportunities and expanding business territories. Relying solely on existing customers is risky; it’s like putting all your eggs in one basket. If we become too dependent on a few customers, they can wield too much power in negotiations, restricting our ability to freely decide on development strategies. Therefore, I attempted to use the declining data on new customer acquisition, along with setbacks in market value and profits, to communicate with my team members and persuade them that by focusing on increasing new customers and investing more in purchasing reports, customer service, and loyalty programs, we could significantly improve our overall performance. This experience taught me the importance of maintaining diverse relationships and controlling financial directions through learning from failures and making immediate improvements. It also highlighted the critical nature of both team communication and increasing customer trust.