GEOG 1200 Assignment 1
Calculate your Ecological Footprint:
Go to http://www.footprintcalculator.org/
Click on ‘Take the first step’
Enter an email if required to do so (make one up if you wish, it should still work)
Use your results and explore the Ecological Footprint website to answer the following questions.
Other useful links:
Global Data: http://data.footprintnetwork.org/? ga=2.264943501.323540891.1599691846-
*Note: the global data is shown as a series of maps. You can choose which variables are displayed with the icons just below the map. Scroll down the page to find tables of data and country ranks.
Earth Overshoot Day: https://www.overshootday.org/2020-calculation/
a) What are your results? Include screen shots of your results (overshoot day, number of Earth’s, land type, consumption category, ecological and carbon footprints. All found under the summary or fact and figures headings) (1 point)
b) Are you surprised by these results? (1 pt)
2. What does this mean? What is a global hectare? (1 pt)
3. List 1-2 things you think you might be able to do to decrease your footprint. Do you think you will make an effort to do so? (1 pt)
4. In your own words, describe why the Global Footprint Network claims we can never get our personal Footprint “within the means on one planet”. (1 pt)
5. How does your result compare to the average Canadian? (Be sure to check you are looking at the most recent data). (1 pt)
6. How have Canada’s per person biocapacity and Ecological Footprint changed over time? (2 pt)
7. If the population of Canada grows and the per capita Ecological Footprint of the country remains constant, what will happen to the total Ecological Footprint and per capita biocapacity? (2 pt)
8. Compare the data from Canada and the United States. If our per person Ecological Footprints are similar, why might the United States have an ecological deficit while Canada has a reserve? Try to come up with two explanations for this difference. (2 pt)
9. Compare the data from Canada and India. It may help to create a table to go along with your written answers.
a) How do the total Ecological Footprints compare? What is the rank of each country? (2 pts)
b) How do the per person Ecological Footprints compare? What is the rank of each country? (2 pts)
c) Why is there such disparity in the ranks for India? Why does it differ for Canada? *Hint:
consider the underlying components of the Eco Footprint variables. (4 pts)
10. How did the coronavirus impact 2020’s overshoot day? What were the main drivers of this?
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