Final Project Assignment
For the final project, design a means to gather and report data. You do not have to have a working model, just the design specifications. You design specifications should include the following:
Problem Definition or User Need: This section should identify the type of issue you are trying to solve or how you are supporting a user need. You should have a problem statement and a description of the type of user that you are trying to support. If the data is being input by one group and the analytics and reporting are for another group, describe how these relate. For example, if patient satisfaction is the need that is being addressed, then the patients would be entering information, and healthcare leadership would be getting the reports.
Some possible ideas for topics:
· Patient safety
· Incident management
· Enforce compliance
· Reduce exposure or infections
· Reduce the number of supplies
· Reduce expenses
· Report number of surgeries
· Create realization data
· Track budgets
Details of what you are trying to measure: What are the specific data types that you are using? Is it structured data or unstructured data? Recall the discussion on data types and describe the process for collecting data.
What tools can you use? Would you use real-time analytics? Decision support? Descriptive or inferential statistics? will you need to use any standardized terminology or nomenclature?
What will the design look like? Pictures can give more information than words here. Designing or drafting an input form or providing a picture of a graph or chart is recommended. If you plan to produce an infographic, provide a design of what would be included or design one with sample values.