For your original post: Complete and share our textbook’s Exercise 5.2 and 5.4.

For your original post:

Complete and share our textbook‘s Exercise 5.2 and 5.4.

1. By yourself, work with at least two of the brainstorming techniques described on pp. 69-73.

Post your results here.

2. Working with the topic you’ve chosen (which should align with your pathway/career interest), create and share a working thesis similar to the examples on pp. 76-79.

Your instructor will let you know if your topic is approved and if your working thesis is on track.

For your peer response:

Read through your peers’ posts. Select one peer who has not yet received a response. Craft a response of at least 100 words.

Engage in conversation and address the following:

1. Compare brainstorming results.

How do each of you react to different exercises?

Are some techniques more useful?

2. Help revise your peer’s working thesis.

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