Identify a new and interesting entrepreneurial initiative that comes from the do

Identify a new and interesting entrepreneurial initiative that comes from the domain or field of expertise of your bachelor degree (international relations, law, design, behavioral sciences, economics, computer science, business…)
This entrepreneurial initiative could be a new venture, an internal project in an existing company, a new project in the public sector, an NGO, a foundation, etc… but it must be less than 4 years old.
Write a report (maximum 2 pages).
The main objective of the report is that you reflect on specific situations of the story of that initiative (e.g., how they explored the problem, created the idea, created the team, validated the solution, defined the business model, executed the go-to-market strategy, raised funds…) and connect them with concrete and relevant concepts and situations seen during the course. These concepts could have appeared in cases, workshops, readings, simulations, slides, something discussed in class, coaching, deliverables…). This assignment aims to encourage reflection about how the concepts covered during the course and creativity, therefore the structure is completely open and you can comment on what you consider most relevant. 
Any type of initiative, including both successful and unsuccessful ones, can be a source of interesting insights and can be the subject of this “Chase”.
This exercise is a brief report: focus on quality, not quantity; demonstrate knowledge as well as critical and original thinking about the course topics. If applicable, you are welcome to use personal experience for this exercise.
if you need any info or documents to help, let me know. keep in mind this is a university style essay, the course ‘enterpreneurship’ is 30 sessions in total, we learned the process of becoming an enterpreneur, possible downfalls etc.