NURS 8006 Week 4: The Doctorally Prepared Nurse: Professional Collaboration and Community of Practice

Week 4: The Doctorally Prepared Nurse: Professional Collaboration and Community of Practice

What is meant by a community of practice?

A community of practice represents a group of individuals who share a common purpose and desire to positively impact their practice and share ideas, perspectives, and lessons learned to enhance the proficiency with which to engage in practice.

Not surprisingly, as a profession, nursing already represents a critical community of practice. Moreover, DNP-prepared nurses are uniquely poised to lead and install changes of a transformative capacity within a community of practice due to their skill set of understanding and engaging in evidence-based practice. As a future DNP-prepared nurse,  how do you see yourself engaging with or leading a community of practice?

This week, you will examine intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration in nursing practice and consider the strengths and weaknesses of interdisciplinary collaboration in nursing practice. You will also examine community and organizational needs, challenges, and issues and consider the role of the DNP-prepared nurse in addressing these. In this examination, you will consider and recommend practice changes that will meet community and organizational needs, challenges, and issues.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Analyze intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration in nursing practice
Analyze strengths and weaknesses of interdisciplinary collaboration in nursing practice
Evaluate community and organization needs, challenges, and issues
Analyze the role of the DNP-prepared nurse in addressing community and organization needs, challenges, and issues
Recommend practice changes and interventions that address community and organization needs, challenges, and issues

Learning Resources

Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)

Blog 1: How Do You Practice Intra- and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Practice?

You are the DNP-prepared nurse responsible for overseeing a large intensive care unit (ICU). You have noticed that in the last 3 months, the number of nosocomial, or hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), has dramatically increased among patients who have undergone cardiovascular procedures. You would like to initiate a practice study to determine the source of these HAIs and to improve patient outcomes in your ICU.

Week 4: The Doctorally Prepared Nurse: Professional Collaboration and Community of Practice

What types of interdisciplinary collaboration might be needed to support the goals of your practice study?

As outlined in the scenario, the likelihood to engage in interdisciplinary collaboration to enhance healthcare delivery and nursing practice is high. In fact, it is likely that the DNP-prepared nurse in the scenario presented may need to collaborate with an infection prevention specialist (who may be a PhD-prepared nurse or PhD-credentialed healthcare professional). While this represents only one potential area in which interprofessional collaboration may take place in advanced nursing practice, it is important to keep in mind that when disciplines work together toward a shared goal that focuses on the patient, the quality and cost of care delivered will be optimized (Johnson & Johnson, 2016).

For this Blog Assignment, review the Learning Resources and reflect on strategies that may be used to foster interdisciplinary collaboration in nursing practice. Reflect on strategies and approaches you might recommend that support interdisciplinary collaboration in practice.


Johnson & Johnson. (2016). The importance of interprofessional collaboration in healthcare.

To prepare:

Review the Henry et. al. (2018) article in this week’s Learning Resources about collaboration through case study design.
Reflect on how the approach of case study design may apply toward fostering intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration in practice.
Select at least one of the articles from this week’s Learning Resources and reflect on how professional collaboration is executed to address the needs described in the article.
Reflect on your own experiences with intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration in your practice.

In fostering interdisciplinary collaboration in nursing practice, several strategies can be employed to optimize communication, teamwork, and shared decision-making among healthcare professionals. Some of these strategies include:


An Original Human-Crafted Assignment


**Clear Communication Channels:** Establishing clear communication channels ensures that information flows effectively between different disciplines. This can include regular team meetings, shared documentation systems, and standardized communication protocols to facilitate collaboration and coordination of care.


**Interprofessional Education:** Providing opportunities for interprofessional education allows healthcare professionals to learn together, understand each other’s roles and responsibilities, and develop mutual respect and trust. This can involve joint training sessions, workshops, or simulation exercises where professionals from different disciplines work together to solve clinical scenarios.


**Team-Based Care Models:** Implementing team-based care models promotes collaboration by assigning specific roles and responsibilities to each team member based on their expertise. This fosters a sense of shared accountability and encourages interdisciplinary problem-solving and decision-making.


**Utilization of Technology:** Leveraging technology, such as telehealth platforms, electronic health records (EHRs), and secure messaging systems, can facilitate real-time communication and information sharing among healthcare team members. This streamlines workflow, enhances care coordination, and improves patient outcomes.


**Interdisciplinary Rounds:** Conducting interdisciplinary rounds allows healthcare professionals from different disciplines to come together to discuss patient cases, share insights, and develop comprehensive care plans. This promotes holistic patient care and ensures that all aspects of the patient’s health are considered.


**Conflict Resolution Strategies:** Implementing conflict resolution strategies helps address any disagreements or conflicts that may arise among interdisciplinary team members. This can involve techniques such as active listening, mediation, and consensus-building to resolve conflicts constructively and maintain positive working relationships.


**Continuous Quality Improvement:** Engaging in continuous quality improvement initiatives encourages interdisciplinary collaboration by fostering a culture of shared learning and improvement. Healthcare teams can analyze performance data, identify areas for enhancement, and implement evidence-based interventions collaboratively to enhance patient care delivery.


Drawing from personal experience, I have witnessed the effectiveness of interdisciplinary collaboration in improving patient outcomes and enhancing healthcare delivery. In my practice, interdisciplinary teams consisting of nurses, physicians, pharmacists, social workers, and other allied health professionals work collaboratively to develop comprehensive care plans, address complex patient needs, and ensure seamless transitions of care. By leveraging each team member’s expertise and working together towards common goals, we are able to provide patient-centered care that is both efficient and effective.


In conclusion, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration in nursing practice requires a multifaceted approach that emphasizes clear communication, interprofessional education, team-based care models, technological integration, conflict resolution strategies, and continuous quality improvement. By implementing these strategies, healthcare organizations can optimize teamwork, promote innovation, and ultimately improve patient outcomes.

By Day 3 of Week 4

Post a response to your Blog describing your own experiences with intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration in your practice. What were the strengths and weaknesses of this collaboration? How might your own experiences mirror the perspectives and viewpoints presented in the Henry et al. (2018) case study design approach? Be specific and provide examples.


In my nursing practice, I have had the opportunity to engage in both intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration, which have been instrumental in enhancing patient care delivery and improving outcomes. One notable experience of intra-disciplinary collaboration occurred within the nursing department itself, where nurses from different specialties and levels of expertise worked together to develop standardized protocols for managing specific patient populations.


Strengths of this collaboration included:


**Shared Expertise:** By bringing together nurses with diverse backgrounds and expertise, we were able to pool our collective knowledge and skills to develop comprehensive care plans that addressed the unique needs of our patients.


**Improved Consistency:** Standardizing protocols helped ensure consistency in patient care practices across different units and shifts, reducing variations in care delivery and promoting patient safety.


**Enhanced Communication:** Regular meetings and discussions facilitated open communication among team members, fostering a culture of collaboration and teamwork.


However, there were also challenges and weaknesses encountered during this collaboration:


**Resistance to Change:** Some nurses were resistant to adopting standardized protocols, preferring to rely on individual judgment or past practices. Overcoming resistance to change required ongoing education and communication to emphasize the benefits of standardization for patient care.


**Time Constraints:** Developing and implementing standardized protocols required significant time and effort, which posed challenges in balancing clinical responsibilities with project work.


**Interpersonal Dynamics:** Conflicts arose at times due to differences in opinions or approaches to patient care. Addressing these conflicts required effective communication and conflict resolution strategies to ensure that all team members felt heard and valued.


Reflecting on these experiences, I can see parallels with the perspectives presented in the Henry et al. (2018) case study design approach. The case study design approach emphasizes the importance of collaboration among stakeholders to address complex healthcare challenges and improve patient outcomes. Similarly, in my experience, collaboration within the nursing department involved engaging stakeholders (i.e., nurses from different specialties) to develop solutions (i.e., standardized protocols) aimed at enhancing patient care.


Furthermore, the case study design approach emphasizes the iterative nature of problem-solving, with an emphasis on continuous learning and improvement. Similarly, our intra-disciplinary collaboration involved ongoing evaluation and refinement of standardized protocols based on feedback from frontline staff and patient outcomes data.


Overall, my experiences with intra-disciplinary collaboration have underscored the importance of teamwork, communication, and shared decision-making in delivering high-quality patient care. By leveraging the strengths of each team member and addressing challenges collaboratively, we were able to make meaningful improvements in patient outcomes and contribute to a culture of excellence in nursing practice.

By Day 5 of Week 4

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by expanding on your colleague’s post or suggesting an alternative viewpoint/perspective on the experiences described by your colleagues.

**Response to Colleague 1:**


I found your description of intra-disciplinary collaboration within the nursing department to be insightful and relatable to my own experiences. The strengths and weaknesses you outlined resonated with me, particularly the challenges of overcoming resistance to change and managing conflicts that may arise during collaboration efforts.


One aspect that I would like to expand upon is the importance of leadership in facilitating effective intra-disciplinary collaboration. In my experience, strong leadership plays a critical role in setting the tone for collaboration, fostering a culture of teamwork, and addressing barriers to change. Leaders who champion collaboration, provide clear direction, and support staff through the change process can help mitigate resistance and create an environment where team members feel empowered to contribute their ideas and expertise.


Additionally, I believe that promoting a culture of continuous learning and improvement is essential for sustaining intra-disciplinary collaboration efforts. By encouraging open communication, soliciting feedback, and recognizing and celebrating successes, organizations can foster a sense of ownership and engagement among team members, driving ongoing innovation and improvement in patient care delivery.


Overall, while intra-disciplinary collaboration presents its challenges, it also offers opportunities for nurses to work together towards common goals, share best practices, and ultimately enhance the quality of care provided to patients.


**Response to Colleague 2:**


Your reflection on intra-disciplinary collaboration in nursing practice offers valuable insights into the dynamics and complexities of teamwork within the healthcare setting. I appreciated your emphasis on the importance of shared expertise and improved consistency resulting from collaboration efforts, as well as the challenges posed by resistance to change and time constraints.


Building upon your discussion, I would like to highlight the role of interprofessional collaboration in complementing intra-disciplinary collaboration efforts. While intra-disciplinary collaboration involves teamwork among nurses within the same discipline, interprofessional collaboration expands the scope of collaboration to include healthcare professionals from diverse disciplines, such as physicians, pharmacists, and allied health professionals.


Interprofessional collaboration offers unique benefits, including a holistic approach to patient care, enhanced communication across disciplines, and a broader perspective on healthcare issues. By working together with professionals from different backgrounds and areas of expertise, nurses can leverage the strengths of each discipline to address complex patient needs, optimize treatment plans, and improve patient outcomes.


Furthermore, interprofessional collaboration promotes a culture of mutual respect, trust, and shared decision-making, which are essential components of effective teamwork in healthcare. By fostering collaboration both within and across disciplines, nurses can maximize their impact on patient care delivery and contribute to a more integrated and patient-centered healthcare system.

Week 4: The Doctorally Prepared Nurse: Professional Collaboration and Community of Practice

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 4 Blog 1 Rubric

Post by Day 3 of Week 4 and Respond by Day 5 of Week 4

To Participate in this Discussion:

Week 4 Blog 1

Blog 2: The DNP-Prepared Nurse and Their Community

Vaccine and immunization legislation.
Nutritional assistance programs for school youths.

Diabetes education for elderly outpatients in a community health clinic.

Reducing the number of re-admits of patients who have had outpatient procedures.

Reducing the number of patient falls on a medical/surgical hospital floor.

Photo Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

These represent a few community and organizational needs, challenges, and issues that may require and merit the advocacy, skill set, and knowledge of the DNP-prepared nurse. In your role as a DNP-prepared nurse, you may find yourself the champion and advocate for improved health outcomes both at a local and individual patient level to one of a national or global and population-based level. The DNP-prepared nurse is well poised to address and advocate changes not only in a healthcare setting but in a community context to promote positive social change and positive health-based outcomes.

For this Discussion, reflect on those needs, challenges, and issues that may be most important for your community or organization. Why do these needs, challenges, and issues merit the attention of a DNP-prepared nurse?

To prepare:

Review the Learning Resources for this week and consider those local issues/topics that are most important for your community or organization. Find articles about your community or organization that reflect the need for intervention by a doctorally prepared nurse.
Reflect on why these local issues/topics merit addressing from your perspective as a DNP-prepared nurse.
Reflect on your role as the DNP-prepared nurse to address these local issues/topics and consider what type of practice changes or interventions you might recommend to bring about needed change for your community or organization.

By Day 4 of Week 4

Post a response to your Blog in which you describe at least two of the most important needs/challenges/issues in your community or organization. Why are these needs/challenges/issues important? Be specific. Then, recommend at least two practice changes or interventions you would suggest to address these needs/challenges/issues in your community or organization. Be sure to align your role as the DNP-prepared nurse to the competencies identified in the AACN Essentials.

In my community or organization, two significant needs/challenges/issues that stand out are:


**Limited Access to Mental Health Services:** Mental health issues are prevalent in our community, yet there is a significant shortage of mental health providers and resources. Many individuals face barriers to accessing timely and appropriate mental health care, leading to untreated conditions, exacerbation of symptoms, and negative impacts on overall well-being.


Importance: Access to mental health services is crucial for individuals to receive timely diagnosis, treatment, and support for mental health conditions. Untreated mental health issues can result in significant personal and societal consequences, including decreased productivity, increased healthcare costs, and higher rates of substance abuse and suicide.


**Health Disparities Among Underserved Populations:** Disparities in healthcare access, quality, and outcomes persist among underserved populations, including racial and ethnic minorities, low-income individuals, and rural communities. These disparities are driven by various factors, such as socioeconomic status, systemic barriers, and lack of culturally competent care.


Importance: Addressing health disparities is essential for achieving health equity and ensuring that all individuals have the opportunity to attain their highest level of health. Disparities in healthcare access and outcomes contribute to unjust and preventable differences in health outcomes, perpetuating cycles of poverty and inequality.


To address these needs/challenges/issues in my community or organization, I would recommend the following practice changes or interventions:


**Implementation of Telepsychiatry Services:** As a DNP-prepared nurse, I would advocate for the implementation of telepsychiatry services to improve access to mental health care. Telepsychiatry utilizes technology to connect patients with mental health providers remotely, overcoming barriers such as geographical distance and transportation issues. By expanding telepsychiatry services, individuals in underserved areas can access timely psychiatric evaluation, medication management, and therapy sessions, reducing disparities in mental health care access and improving patient outcomes.


Alignment with AACN Essentials: This intervention aligns with Essential III (Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods) by utilizing evidence-based practices to address mental health needs, as well as Essential VI (Healthcare Policy and Advocacy for Population Health) by advocating for policy changes to expand access to mental health services.


**Community Health Worker (CHW) Program:** Establishing a CHW program to provide outreach and support to underserved populations can help address health disparities and improve health outcomes. CHWs are trusted members of the community who receive training to provide culturally sensitive health education, navigation services, and advocacy to individuals facing barriers to care. By deploying CHWs in targeted communities, we can empower individuals to access preventive services, navigate the healthcare system, and address social determinants of health contributing to health disparities.


Alignment with AACN Essentials: This intervention aligns with Essential VII (Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving the Nation’s Health) by focusing on population health and addressing social determinants of health, as well as Essential VIII (Advanced Nursing Practice) by implementing innovative approaches to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes.


In summary, addressing the needs/challenges/issues of limited access to mental health services and health disparities among underserved populations requires multifaceted interventions that leverage technology, community resources, and advocacy efforts. As a DNP-prepared nurse, I am committed to advocating for policy changes, implementing evidence-based practices, and collaborating with interdisciplinary teams to promote health equity and improve the well-being of individuals in my community or organization.

By Day 6 of Week 4

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by suggesting additional strategies your colleague could implement to bring about needed change in their community.

**Response to Colleague 1:**


Your recommendations for addressing limited access to mental health services and health disparities among underserved populations are commendable and align well with the competencies outlined in the AACN Essentials. In addition to the telepsychiatry services and Community Health Worker (CHW) program you proposed, I would like to suggest a couple of additional strategies that could further support your efforts in bringing about needed change in your community.


**Culturally Competent Mental Health Training:** Consider implementing culturally competent mental health training programs for healthcare providers, including nurses, physicians, and mental health professionals. These training sessions would focus on understanding cultural differences, beliefs, and practices related to mental health within diverse communities. By enhancing cultural competence among healthcare providers, you can ensure that mental health services are delivered in a culturally sensitive manner, thereby improving accessibility and acceptability of care among underserved populations.


**Collaborative Partnerships with Community Organizations:** Forge collaborative partnerships with community-based organizations, faith-based groups, and social service agencies to expand the reach of mental health services and address underlying social determinants of health. By working together with these organizations, you can leverage existing resources, networks, and expertise to provide comprehensive support to individuals in need. For example, you could collaborate with local churches or mosques to host mental health awareness events or provide support groups for community members experiencing mental health challenges.


By incorporating these additional strategies into your efforts, you can further enhance the impact of your interventions and promote meaningful change in addressing mental health disparities in your community.


**Response to Colleague 2:**


Your recommendations for addressing the needs of limited access to mental health services and health disparities among underserved populations are thoughtful and comprehensive. I appreciate your focus on telepsychiatry services and the establishment of a Community Health Worker (CHW) program, both of which are valuable interventions for improving access to care and addressing social determinants of health.


To complement your proposed strategies, I would like to suggest a couple of additional approaches that could strengthen your efforts in addressing these challenges:


**School-Based Mental Health Programs:** Consider implementing school-based mental health programs in collaboration with local schools and educational institutions. School-based mental health programs provide students with access to mental health services, counseling, and support within the school setting, where they spend a significant amount of their time. By integrating mental health services into schools, you can reach underserved populations, identify mental health concerns early, and provide timely interventions to support students’ well-being.


**Telemedicine Mobile Clinics:** Explore the possibility of implementing telemedicine mobile clinics to reach individuals in remote or underserved areas who may face barriers to accessing traditional healthcare settings. Telemedicine mobile clinics equipped with telehealth technology and staffed by healthcare providers, including mental health professionals, can travel to various locations within the community to deliver primary care, mental health services, and health education. This approach can help overcome geographical barriers, improve access to care, and engage individuals who may otherwise not seek healthcare services due to transportation or logistical challenges.


By integrating these additional strategies into your initiatives, you can further expand access to mental health services, address health disparities, and promote holistic well-being among underserved populations in your community.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 4 Blog 2 Rubric

Post by Day 4 of Week 4 and Respond by Day 6 of Week 4

To Participate in this Discussion:

Week 4 Blog 2

What’s Coming Up in Module 4?

Photo Credit: [BrianAJackson]/[iStock / Getty Images Plus]/Getty Images

In the next module, you will explore and analyze approaches for summarizing peer-reviewed research. You will also contrast which approaches are most helpful in summarizing peer-reviewed research.

Next Module

Week 4: The Doctorally Prepared Nurse: Professional Collaboration and Community of Practice

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