NURS 8114 Week 6: Introduction to the Science of Translation II

Week 6: Introduction to the Science of Translation II

“Change” as a word is somewhat abstract. The same could be said of the phrase “science of translation.” But as you likely know from your nursing experience, change is not abstract for those working to make it happen or those implementing—or adjusting to—a new protocol or procedure.

A significant part of your work in this module involves focusing on stakeholders in an EBP QI project. As you have identified practice sites, you have identified staff members within each setting who would have a say in the approval and a hand in the success of a quality improvement initiative. It is vital to keep those professionals in your sights and to speak with language that will have meaning for them. Consider in a health care setting where “quality improvement” is not formalized through an office or department and how differences in approach and nuance may be required.

As you complete your module Assignment this week, pay particular attention to the presentation you are preparing and how you are applying the science of translation to ensure your EBP QI aims and outcomes are fully understood.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Compare health care settings for quality improvement projects
Justify practice problems for quality improvement
Analyze site and stakeholder requirements for quality improvement projects in nursing practice settings
Compare stakeholder requirements for quality improvement projects across nursing practice settings
Evaluate translation science frameworks and models for application to practice problems
Apply implementation science frameworks/models for evidence-based practice quality improvement projects

Learning Resources

Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)

Required Media (click to expand/reduce)

Module 3 Assignment: Exploring EBP Quality Improvement

Continue working on your Module 3 Assignment to complete this week. Keep in mind that the key requirements are to identify a hypothetical practice problem as the focus of an evidence-based quality improvement project; a hypothetical health care setting for the project based on investigating actual sites; stakeholders for project approval and implementation within health care settings; and a presentation outlining the basic steps of a specific framework/model for translating research and evidence to improved practice.
Although “hypothetical” is the watchword for this Assignment, the substantial effort you have invested and the information and insights obtained can pay real dividends as you begin your DNP project in earnest.

The Assignment

Part 1: Key Project Elements

Complete your paper of 6–8 pages, plus a cover page and references page, explaining your investigation of three hypothetical practice sites for an EBP QI project.


**Title: Implementing Evidence-Based Practices to Improve Medication Adherence in Elderly Patients with Chronic Conditions: A Translation Science Approach**




Medication adherence in elderly patients with chronic conditions is a significant challenge in healthcare, impacting patient outcomes and healthcare costs. This paper explores the investigation of three hypothetical practice sites for an Evidence-Based Practice Quality Improvement (EBP QI) project aimed at improving medication adherence in this population. Utilizing a translation science approach, the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) will guide the implementation process across these practice sites.


**Practice Site 1: Urban Primary Care Clinic**


**Contextual Factors:**

– **Outer Setting:** High population density, diverse patient demographics, limited access to transportation, and community resources.

– **Inner Setting:** Busy clinic environment, electronic health record (EHR) system in place, limited interdisciplinary collaboration.

– **Characteristics of Individuals:** Multicultural patient population, variable health literacy levels, physician-centric care model.


**Implementation Strategies:**

– **Tailored Patient Education:** Develop culturally sensitive educational materials on medication adherence, delivered in multiple languages.

– **Integration with EHR:** Incorporate medication adherence assessment tools into EHR workflows for systematic screening and documentation.

– **Interprofessional Collaboration:** Facilitate team-based care by involving pharmacists and nurses in medication management and adherence counseling.


**Practice Site 2: Rural Health Center**


**Contextual Factors:**

– **Outer Setting:** Sparse population, limited access to specialty care, reliance on telehealth services.

– **Inner Setting:** Small clinic with limited resources, paper-based medical records, close-knit provider-patient relationships.

– **Characteristics of Individuals:** Older patient population, socioeconomic disparities, challenges with transportation and access to pharmacies.


**Implementation Strategies:**

– **Telehealth Interventions:** Implement remote medication management programs via telehealth platforms to overcome geographic barriers.

– **Community Partnerships:** Collaborate with local pharmacies and community organizations to provide medication delivery services and patient support programs.

– **Provider Training:** Offer continuing education on geriatric pharmacotherapy and effective communication strategies to address adherence issues during clinic visits.


**Practice Site 3: Academic Medical Center**


**Contextual Factors:**

– **Outer Setting:** Affiliated with a teaching hospital, access to advanced specialty care and research resources.

– **Inner Setting:** Academic environment with emphasis on evidence-based practice, electronic prescribing system, interdisciplinary care teams.

– **Characteristics of Individuals:** Diverse patient population, high prevalence of complex chronic conditions, involvement in clinical trials.


**Implementation Strategies:**

– **Clinical Decision Support:** Implement clinical decision support tools within the electronic prescribing system to alert providers of adherence-related issues and suggest evidence-based interventions.

– **Research Collaboration:** Engage in collaborative research projects to evaluate the effectiveness of novel adherence interventions and contribute to the evidence base.

– **Patient Engagement Initiatives:** Establish patient-centered medication adherence programs, including group education sessions and peer support networks, leveraging the academic center’s resources.




Investigating the implementation of evidence-based practices for improving medication adherence across diverse practice sites requires careful consideration of contextual factors and tailored implementation strategies. By applying the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) within each setting, healthcare organizations can effectively address barriers and promote the adoption of interventions that enhance medication adherence and ultimately improve patient outcomes.




[Provide citations for the sources referenced in the paper.]

Part 2: Implementation Science Presentation

Complete your PowerPoint presentation of 3–5 slides, plus cover and reference slides, to inform hypothetical stakeholders.

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.

**Title: Implementing Evidence-Based Practices to Improve Medication Adherence in Elderly Patients with Chronic Conditions: A Stakeholder Presentation**


**Slide 1: Cover Slide**

– Title: Implementing Evidence-Based Practices for Medication Adherence

– Presenter’s Name: [Your Name]

– Date: [Presentation Date]


**Slide 2: Introduction**

– Brief overview of the practice problem: Medication non-adherence in elderly patients with chronic conditions.

– Importance of the problem: Non-adherence leads to adverse health outcomes and increased healthcare costs.

– Purpose of the presentation: To inform stakeholders about the planned EBP QI project.


**Slide 3: Proposed Intervention**

– Summary of the evidence-based intervention: Implementing tailored medication adherence strategies.

– Description of intervention components: Medication reminders, simplified regimens, patient education, and provider-patient communication.

– Benefits of the intervention: Improved medication adherence, enhanced patient outcomes, and reduced healthcare utilization.


**Slide 4: Stakeholder Engagement**

– Importance of stakeholder engagement: Ensuring buy-in, collaboration, and support for the project.

– Identified stakeholders: Healthcare providers, patients, caregivers, administrators, and community organizations.

– Strategies for stakeholder engagement: Regular meetings, feedback sessions, and communication channels.


**Slide 5: Implementation Plan**

– Overview of the implementation plan: Phased approach to introducing the intervention.

– Key steps in the implementation process: Training sessions for healthcare providers, development of patient education materials, and integration of intervention into routine workflows.

– Timeline for implementation: Start date, milestones, and completion timeline.


**Slide 6: Evaluation and Monitoring**

– Importance of evaluation: Assessing the effectiveness and sustainability of the intervention.

– Evaluation metrics: Medication adherence rates, patient outcomes (e.g., hospitalizations, disease exacerbations), and healthcare utilization.

– Continuous monitoring: Ongoing data collection, analysis, and feedback mechanisms.


**Slide 7: Conclusion**

– Summary of key points: Importance of medication adherence, overview of the intervention, stakeholder engagement, implementation plan, and evaluation.

– Call to action: Encouragement for stakeholders to support and actively participate in the project.

– Contact information: Presenter’s contact details for further inquiries or collaboration.


**Slide 8: References**

– List of references cited in the presentation following APA format guidelines.


**Note:** Each slide should include concise bullet points or visual elements to convey information effectively. Use clear and professional design elements for readability and engagement.

Week 6: Introduction to the Science of Translation II

By Day 7 of Week 6

Submit Parts 1 and 2 of your Assignment (Word document and PowerPoint document).

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “M3Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
Click the Module 3 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
Click the Module 3 Assignment You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer Find the document you saved as “M3Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Module 3 Assignment Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:

Submit your Module 3 Assignment draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 6

To participate in this Assignment:

Module 3 Assignment

What’s Coming Up in Module 4!

Photo Credit: [BrianAJackson]/[iStock / Getty Images Plus]/Getty Images

In the next module, you will take a deep dive into the components of evidence-based practice, with attention to analyzing and synthesizing evidence to support a nursing practice. You will begin Week 7 with exploring how to identify the critical question in a practice issue that will produce the relevant evidence you seek.

Module 4 Assignment: Literature Review

A literature review will be part of the Module 4 Assignment, which you will begin in Week 8. You will find both required and optional Learning Resources in the Walden Library to help facilitate your search and evaluation of scholarly sources. Reflect on your experiences and success to date with scholarly searches in the library and look for additional guidance, as needed.

Week 6: Introduction to the Science of Translation II

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