Define classical conditioning
Define operant conditioning
Define behaviorism
Describe the principles of classical conditioning
Describe the principles of operant conditioning
Describe the principles of behaviorsim
Assignment Overview
There are three types of learning:
Learning through association – Classical Conditioning.
Learning through consequences – Operant Conditioning.
Learning through observation – Modeling/Observational Learning or Behaviorism.
For this assignment you are to write a one to two page research paper about the three types of learning.
Step 1: Research Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, and Behaviorism using your readings, the Internet, and at least one resource/article from LIRN. (LIRN is Cambridge College’s Online Research Database)
Library and Information Resources Network (LIRN)
To ACCESS LIRN click on the LIRN button found on the left-hand navigation button of our course. You may also go using the URL below.
To access the LIRN subscription go to:
URL: https://proxy.lirn.net/CambridgeCollegeOfAlliedHlth
Username: 18164
Password: uglylift41
Please note URL, Username, and Passwords are case sensitive
Step 2: Write an essay about Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, and Behaviorism
In the essay explain the origin of each theory of learning:
Who is the scientist(s) known for each?
What research did he/she do to demonstrate the theory?
Describe the similarities and differences of the three theories.
Explain how they are can be used in the classroom and/or advertising.
The essay must be one-two pages (double spaced 12-point font) using APA format to cite your sources. Remember one of your sources MUST be from LIRN.
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