Please review ALL attached files, video links, the essay prompt and use the grad

Please review ALL attached files, video links, the essay prompt and use the grading rubric. Also use the template file to format the paper. Must include at least 10 of the sources, inclduing the Hughes book. 
Consulting Scenario 
About This Assignment
Using the following scenario, you will complete and submit an executive summary and PowerPoint presentation.
The Scenario: 
Worldwide Studios Entertainment Parks (WSEP) recently contacted you to provide consulting services. The parent company, Worldwide Studios Entertainment, began as a movie studio but, over the last 20 years, diversified its business portfolio to include television, real estate holdings, and amusement parks. WSEP is the amusement park division of the company. WSEP generates $1.1 billion in revenue annually. It manages three large amusement parks located in Hollywood, Orlando, and Paris. WSEP has grown rapidly since its inception in 1998 and has performed well economically against its competition, including its largest competitor, Disney.
From WSEP’s beginning, the basic business strategy has been to create parks that are more “edgy” and “thrilling” than the competition, with direct connections to recent movies. Unlike most of their competition, WSEP attractions focus on the teen to young adult market and have little to offer young children and their families.
Over the years, WSEP has recruited very bright, ambitious, and somewhat aggressive leaders from hospitality and restaurant organizations to join the organization. WSEP pays these leaders extremely well and expects them to deliver economic performance (the numbers) consistently. These leaders have indeed “delivered the numbers.” However, the division has become known as a tough environment where only the most aggressive and competitive leader can survive. Internal competition is high. In employee satisfaction surveys, respondents consistently rate the company low on executive leadership, management, collaboration, stress, and morale while rating the company high on advancement opportunities and compensation.
Four months ago, WSEP hired a new President, Sharon Weber, to run the division. A former Disney leader, Ms. Weber, believes that WSEP is “leaving money on the table” by ignoring the young children and family market. Weber immediately outlined a large-scale change initiative that includes the following key elements:
·       Transform the organization into one that is less competitive and more collaborative
·       Soften the aggressive nature of how leaders “deliver the numbers” and create more teaming behaviors throughout the organization.
·       Develop new attractions aimed at young children and their families within 24 months.
Weber and her executive leadership team (ELT) have hired your consulting company to provide guidance on several organizational issues. They would like your help with the following items:
1.    How might these strategic changes affect WSEP’s culture?
2.    What aspects, if any, of the dark side of leadership are likely to emerge during the organizational change? 
3.    What can WSEP do to prevent leadership plateau and derailment among its leaders?
4.    Taking a systems-thinking approach, what should WSEP do in the areas of leadership selection, development, and performance management to ensure the success of these changes?  
5.    What should the ELT do to “lead this change” effectively?
You have not been hired to advise them on developing the new attractions aimed at young children and their families.
Part 1 – Prepare an Executive Summary
1.    Download an APA-formatted template Download Download an APA-formatted template for the assignment. 
2.    Write an 8- to 12-page double-spaced paper (excluding title page and references) that responds to the scenario above and serves as an Executive Summary of your thoughts to the questions asked by the Executive Leadership Team of Worldwide Studios Entertainment Parks.
o   Use APA style formatting with in-text citations and references.
o   This is a comprehensive assessment that should demonstrate what you have learned throughout the course. Your reference list should contain at least 10 references of course reading and video assignments,
o   Submit the paper in MS Word.
Part 2 – Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation
In addition to your Executive Summary, the Executive Leadership Team would like you to submit a presentation explaining your paper and advice.
1.    Prepare a PowerPoint presentation with 10-15 slides summarizing your paper and ideas. Be as creative as you like, but please keep the following in mind:
o   PowerPoint is not a “paper” but a presentation. So, keep your text short. Do not copy and paste sections of the paper into your presentation.
o   You are dealing with a visual medium and an entertainment industry customer. So, make the slides visually engaging and simple to understand.
You will be assessed according to the grading rubric attached to this assignment.
Required Resources: At least 10 sources. Must include the Hughes textbook. 
Hughes, R. L., Ginnett, R. C., & Curphy, G. J. (2022). Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience (10th ed.). McGraw Hill. 
Required Resources
Textbook Readings
·       Review all the materials in the Start Here and Course Resources module.
·       Chapter 1 (Hughes et al., 2022)
Required Resources
Textbook Readings
·       Review all the materials in the Start Here and Course Resources module.
·       Chapter 2 (Hughes et al., 2022)
Other Required Resources
·       What is this thing called leadership (Dyer, 2015)Download What is this thing called leadership (Dyer, 2015)
·       After-event reviews (DeRue et al., 2012)Download After-event reviews (DeRue et al., 2012)
·       Video: Leadership Capital: What’s your definition of leadership?Links to an external site. (Chicago Booth Review, 2016)
·       Video: Leading change by John P. KotterLinks to an external site. (BigIdeasGrowingMinds, 2020)

Required Resources
Textbook Readings
·       Chapter 3 (Hughes et al., 2019) 
Other Required Resources
·       Coaching for Change (Boyatzis et al., 2002)Download Coaching for Change (Boyatzis et al., 2002)
o   TranscriptDownload Transcript
·       Video: Major career transitionsLinks to an external site. (, 2014)
·       Video: Feedforward: Coaching for behavioral changeLinks to an external site. (Goldsmith, 2014)

Required Resources
Textbook Readings
·       Chapter 4 (Hughes et al., 2022)
Other Required Resources
·       The uses (and abuses) of influence: Spotlight interview with Robert Cialdini (Cliffe, 2013)Download The uses (and abuses) of influence: Spotlight interview with Robert Cialdini (Cliffe, 2013)
o   TranscriptDownload Transcript
·       McClelland’s theory of needs (Kukreja, 2017)Links to an external site.
·       Video: How to sell anything: Influence by Robert Cialdini | Core messageLinks to an external site. (Productivity Game, 2020)

McClelland’s Theory of Needs (Power, Achievement and Affiliation)

Required Resources
Textbook Readings
·       Chapter 5 (Hughes et al., 2022)
Other Required Resources
·       Virtual morality: Transitioning from moral judgment to moral action? (Francis et al., 2016)Links to an external site.
·       Rule breakers and attention seekers: Personality predictors of integrity and accountability in leaders (Nei et al., 2018)
·       Video: Authentic leadershipLinks to an external site. (KnowledgeAtWharton, 2014)

Required Resources
Textbook Readings
·       Chapter 6 (Hughes et al., 2022)
Other Required Resources
·       Twenty years on the dark side: Six lessons about bad leadership (Hogan et al., 2021)Download Twenty years on the dark side: Six lessons about bad leadership (Hogan et al., 2021)
·       Leading authentically: The 5 components of emotional intelligence (Newfield, 2018)
·       Video: Robert Hogan on personality psychology, the bright side, and the dark sideLinks to an external site. (Hoganassessments, 2018)
·       Video: How to create motivation at work – Daniel H. Pink – Book recommendations(Links to an external site.) (Ta, 2016)

Required Resources
Textbook Readings
·       Chapter 7 (Hughes et al., 2022)Links to an external site.
Other Required Resources
·       How high-potential leaders can master the macro environment (Charan, 2017)Links to an external site.
·       Video: Social capital – The critical assets for successLinks to an external site. (TEDx Talks, 2014)

Required Resources
Textbook Readings
·       Chapter 8 (Hughes et al., 2022)
Other Required Resources
·       Video: The speed of trust by Stephen Covey: Animated SummaryLinks to an external site. (BigIdeasGrowingMinds, 2021)
·       Video: Your body language may shape who you areLinks to an external site. (Cuddy, 2012)

Unit 5, Part A
Textbook Readings
·       Part 3 Preface – Focus on Followers
·       Chapter 9 (Hughes et al., 2022)
Other Required Resources
·       Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic incentives jointly predict performance: A 40-year meta-analysis (Cesaroli et al., 2014)Download Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic incentives jointly predict performance: A 40-year meta-analysis (Cesaroli et al., 2014)
Required Resources
Textbook Readings
·       Chapter 12 (Hughes et al., 2022)
Other Required Resources
·       Do we still need teams? (Hadley & Mortensen, 2022)Download Do we still need teams? (Hadley & Mortensen, 2022)
o   TranscriptDownload Transcript
·       Video: Building high performance teamsLinks to an external site. (KnowledgeAtWharton, 2016)
Required Resources
Textbook Readings
·       Chapter 13 (Hughes et al., 2022)
Other Required Resources
·       Video: How to turn a group of strangers into a team | Amy EdmondsonLinks to an external site. (TED, 2018)
·       Video: Video interview with David Peterson PhD on coaching at Google)Links to an external site. (Institute of Coaching, 2020

Required Resources
Textbook Readings
·       Chapter 14 (Hughes et al., 2022)
Other Required Resources
·       Experience-based leadership development and professional sport organizations (Frawley et al., 2018)Download Experience-based leadership development and professional sport organizations (Frawley et al., 2018)
·       Video: Competing values framework introductionLinks to an external site. (DeGraff, 2012)

Required Resources
Textbook Readings
·       Chapter 15 (Hughes et al., 2022)
Other Required Resources
·       Video: Hersey & Blanchard situational leadership styleLinks to an external site. (Jenkinson, 2018)
Required Resources
Textbook Readings
·       Chapter 16 (Hughes et al., 2022)
Other Required Resources
·       Video: Ethical leadership, part 1: Perilous at the top | Concepts unwrappedLinks to an external site. (McCombs School of Business, 2010)

Required Resources
Textbook Readings
·       Chapters 17 & 18 (Hughes et al., 2022)
Other Required Resources
·       Dyer (n.d.) – The art and science of consultingDownload Dyer (n.d.) – The art and science of consulting
·       Wartzman (2012) – How to consult like Peter Drucker
Consulting Scenario Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAddress the assignment – The student follows the assignment’s instructions and meets the assignment’s objectives.
40 pts
Addressed all issues identified in the assignment instructions and met the assignment’s objectives.
34 pts
Addressed most of the issues identified in the assignment instructions and met most the assignment’s objectives.
30 pts
Addressed some of the issues identified in the assignment instructions and met some the assignment’s objectives.
26 pts
Did not address the assignment in an appropriate manner in relation to the instructions and met very few of the assignment’s objectives
22 pts
Failed to demonstrate any understanding of the assignment instructions/objectives or did not submit the assignment.
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalyze the issues – The student demonstrates an understanding of the ideas, theories, and models presented in the assigned readings and videos and applies these concepts to the assignment’s requirements.
40 pts
Included all of the key ideas from the assigned readings and videos needed for this assignment. Analyzed and explained these ideas in a coherent and compelling matter in response to the assignment’s requirements.
34 pts
Included most of the key ideas from the assigned readings and videos needed for this assignment. Analyzed and explained these ideas in a coherent and compelling matter in response to the assignment’s requirements.
30 pts
Included some of the key ideas from the assigned readings and videos needed for the assignment. Described these ideas in a coherent manner in response to the assignment’s requirements.
26 pts
Included few of the key ideas from the assigned readings and videos needed for the assignment. Did not analyze these ideas in an effective manner in response to the assignment’s requirements.
22 pts
Failed to demonstrate any analysis of key ideas from the assigned readings and videos needed for this assignment or did not submit the assignment.
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProvide support for ideas – The student refers directly to assigned readings and videos to support the paper’s points, provides in-text citations, and develops ideas well.
40 pts
Supported all of the paper’s central ideas with direct reference to all of the assigned readings and videos needed for this assignment, used in-text citations, and made unique and original points with solid logic. Cited at least 10 references from course reading and video assignments.
34 pts
Supported all of the paper’s central ideas with direct reference to most of the assigned readings and videos needed for this assignment, used in-text citations, and/or made unique and original points with solid logic. Cited 8-9 references from course reading and video assignments.
30 pts
Supported some of the paper’s central ideas with direct reference to some of the assigned readings and videos needed for this assignment, used in-text citations, and/or made a few unique and original points with somewhat reasonable logic. Cited 5-7 references from course reading and video assignments.
26 pts
Relied primarily on personal opinion and did not provide support for the ideas from assigned readings and videos. Cited 1-4 references from course reading and video assignments.
22 pts
Failed to provide any support from the assigned readings and videos; relied strictly on personal opinion to support the paper’s points or did not submit the assignment. Did not cite any references from course reading and video assignments.
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFollow APA format – The student adheres to APA format in all aspects of the paper.
40 pts
Followed APA format without exception. No errors.
34 pts
Followed APA format with few exceptions. Minor errors.
30 pts
Generally followed APA format with some exceptions. Some errors.
26 pts
Followed APA format but presented with many exceptions. Several errors.
22 pts
Failed to demonstrate any use of APA format or did not submit the assignment.
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrated good grammar & composition – The student organizes the paper well and presents a paper that is well written, and free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.
40 pts
Demonstrated superior graduate-level writing by organizing the paper extremely well, writing in a straightforward manner using only active voice with zero grammatical and spelling errors.
34 pts
Demonstrated above average graduate-level writing by organizing the paper very well, writing in a straightforward manner using primarily active voice, and/or very few (1 or 2) grammatical and spelling errors.
30 pts
Demonstrated average graduate-level writing by organizing the paper fairly well, writing in a straightforward manner using a good deal of passive voice, and/or few (3 or 4) grammatical and spelling errors.
26 pts
Demonstrated a need to improve the paper’s organization, use much more active voice, and/or reduce grammatical and spelling errors to show graduate-level writing skills.
22 pts
Failed to write at a graduate level in any aspect of grammar and composition or did not submit the assignment.
40 pts
Total Points: 200