The final paper, which should be 5-8 pages These are only suggestions; I encourage you to
pursue other term paper topics related to philosophy of global law not listed here that interest you. If
you are choosing your own topic, I recommend (but don’t require) that you submit a brief proposal
via email to obtain my approval of the topic. Your final paper must include a bibliography with at
least two scholarly sources other than the assigned readings & textbook.
1. Compare & contrast two different theorists’ concept of law. Choose any two theorists we have
studied, such as Austin, Hart, Tamanaha, Fuller, Frank, Llewellyn, or Dworkin. What are the
strengths and weaknesses of each one? Which theory of law do you think is superior and why?
2. Compare & contrast two of the theorists of just war we have studied. Which theorist do you most
agree with and why?
3. Explain the relationship between culture and human rights. Are human rights culturally relative?
Or are human rights based on universal moral principles that apply to all persons at all times and
in all places?
4. Explain Brian Tamanaha’s sociopositivist concept of what law is. What are the strengths and
weaknesses of his approach compared to other theorists’ models of law? Does Tamanaha’s
treatment of law succeed in expanding the concept to include important legal phenomena–
without being so broad as to include almost all social practices?
5. Choose an international legal institution whose purpose is to protect human rights. Examples
included the International Criminal Court; or, one of the nine UN human rights treaty bodies
(committees of experts established by international human rights treaties)—such as the Committee
Against Torture or the Committee on the Rights of the Child. Discuss its history, structure and
activities. Using concepts we have studied, evaluate its effectiveness in achieving its stated goals.
6. Analyze ‘crimes against humanity’. What distinguishes them from other types of crime? Which
crimes would you classify as crimes against humanity? Explain why and under what
circumstances international institutions are justified in exercising universal jurisdiction with
respect to prosecuting these crimes? Or, if you think they are never justified in doing so, explain
why not.
7. Explain what American exceptionalism is, the origins of this notion, and its relevance to America’s
role in international affairs. Evaluate this idea and its impact on U.S. international law policy.
8. Explain the significance of the United Nations General Assembly’s resolutions—which usually
take the form of recommendations that are not legally binding. Explain with specific examples the
effect these resolutions have (or fail to have) on international law.
9. Choose one or more specific decisions of the International Court of Justice. Explain why the
Court had (or lacked) jurisdiction to entertain the case(s). Analyze the justice of the decision(s)
and its impact.
10. Choose a work of literature or film that has themes related to philosophy and international law.
Summarize its plot and then explain how its theme(s) are relevant to the philosophical theories
and concepts we have studied.
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