The You will complete five (5) Discussions in this course. For each Discussion,

The You will complete five (5) Discussions in this course.
For each Discussion, you will post on
thread of at least 800
words. For each thread, you must ground your responses and lines of
argumentation in the course readings with citations in APA format. Supplemental
scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources may also be referenced to answer the prompt
and build the plausibility of the position/argument advanced in discussion
posts. Focus, however, should go to demonstrating mastery of the module readings.
The strongest posts will identify and critically engage with the core
assumptions that ground module readings, arguments, and lectures. Each reply
should be rooted in course reading and content. The strongest replies will
invoke supplemental reputable peer-reviewed titles and articles to critique and
contextualize the module readings.
Also remember Proper
documentation use of (footnote is importance throughout in this class) of the
source of the idea. A specific content reference always means a footnote with a
specific page reference that points to the key idea that you are analyzing and
reflecting upon.
Most of your discussion
should find some basis in the Scriptures. So, most of your paragraphs should
contain biblical ideas with proper reference support.
Note: Your assignment
will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.