This assignment is doctorate level, reuqiring writing a public economics paper. It better you already have a paper but have not published, and I can offer a good price for it.
In the project, students are to: 1.Identify an ongoing part of the public economics literature 2.Review the literature and identify the current edge of the literature 3.Propose a careful research project that will advance the body of knowledge in that particular subfield.
Proposals should speak to the relevant theoretical and empirical concerns that will be need to be addressed in a completed paper, and at a minimum, present feasible strategies for doing so. Papers are expected to adhere to style guidelines in academic research in economics and include a title page, footnotes, references, etc., Proposals should be 10-15 pages in length, excluding references. Grading will be based on the substance of the question and proposed work, quality of the writing, and feasibility or the proposal.
I want this paper using panel data to study the effect of some certain policy or event on some ecnomic relevant outcomes such health status, or eduction attaiment, employment rate and so on. Also, this paper should include the detials about that econometric methods that can identify the effect of the policy. The common econometric identification method are Difference in Difference, Regression Discontinuity, Instrumental Variables.
I attached some public economics published paper in below for you.
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