This is a research project with a provided template and data set for a criminal

This is a research project with a provided template and data set for a criminal justice statistics class. Data must have calculations done from the provided set. Please fill out the provided research project template. Will have to use statistical software SPSS to make the caluclations from the provided data. 
Final Project Instructions
Purpose: To apply the concepts and computations learned this semester to a real world
research data set.
General Instructions: Using that data set that I provided related to participants’
attitudes towards crime and mental health, please complete the final project instructions
below. Please use the template provided under the Week 15 Module. You will put all of
your responses onto the template. You may use your text, lectures, and other materials
to help you, but your work should be your own. Do not turn in the same work as any
other student.
*Please note that the data set is data that I completely made up for the purposes of
being able to complete the needed statistical analyses.*
The Template Will Include the Following:
Part I
1. Describe your sample:
1. How many participants are male and female?
2. What percent are Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, Asian American, and
3. What is the mean, median, and standard deviation for age
4. What percent of participants are in each income level?
2. Are the following variables correlated? Provide the correlation and state which
variables are significantly correlated with each other (hint: look for the *). You must
state which variables are correlated with each other. (Hint: it takes 2 variables to be
correlated, so you should be reporting pairs of variables)
1. Age
2. CrimeAttitudes
3. MHAttitudes
Part II
Using the data set, test the following hypotheses:
• Hypothesis 1: Males and females differ on their attitudes toward crime. (Use the
variable labeled CrimeAttitudes)
• Hypothesis 2: Males have more negative attitudes towards mental health than
females (Use the variable labeled MHAttitudes).
• Hypothesis 3: Attitudes towards mental health differs by ethnicity. (Use the variable
labeled MHAttitudes and Ethnicity)
• Hypothesis 4: Attitudes towards crime varies by income level. (Use the variable
labeled CrimeAttitudes and Income)
For each of the 4 hypotheses above:
1. State the null and research hypothesis
2. State which test statistic should be used. Be specific.
3. Run the test on SPSS
4. Put all results in the table on the template. Include the exact numbers you looked at
to come up with your results. (do not copy and paste the printout. I want you to be
able to pick out the correct numbers from the printouts, so only report the numbers
you need. Points will be taken off for only copying the whole printout table without
stating which specific numbers in the table you were looking at to get your answer)
5. State whether you reject or accept the null hypothesis
6. State your conclusion in a sentence
*Use p < .05 for all your tests to determine significance
Write a summary discussing your project. Include a description of your sample (in
words, not just numbers), a discussion of your results from your hypotheses including
which test you ran for each hypothesis, a discussion of your significant results, and a
conclusion about what you feel the perceptions of the class are on there being a racial
bias in the criminal justice system. The point of this summary is to be able to take the
numbers you found and tell me what they mean in plain English. This summary should
be at least a couple paragraphs but more importantly make sure you include all the data
I ask for. I would have one paragraph include the demographic information and another
paragraph to discussion the main findings.