This reflection assignment is connected with my annotated bibliography. For your

This reflection assignment is connected with my annotated bibliography.
For your Reflection Discussion Forum, please include:
your research topic
your diagram of the research process (completed Week 7)
your creative element
any citations you need for your creative element
You do not need to directly and separately list out and answer your guiding questions or reflection answer if you feel they are clearly addressed in your creative element or illustration. If you would like to answer the questions directly you may do so.
Reflection question: What is the most important thing you’re taking away from this course, and what do you plan to use in your future research courses?
Guiding questions
If your topic was too broad (needed focus) or too narrow (needed to expand), what steps did you take to refine it?
What strategies did you use to find additional keywords on your topic? Which keywords worked best for your research topic? And, what terms did you have to change to find the most relevant results?
What role did books and long-form materials play in your research?
Why did you choose the final list of sources you included in your bibliography?
How did you evaluate the credibility of your sources? What did you find most difficult with evaluating these sources?
What gap(s) do you have in your collection of literature, what points of view have you not represented in your list of sources?
What was the easiest part of the research process? What was the hardest? Describe any problems you encountered.
What was the most useful thing you learned about conducting research? How would you explain this to a peer?