In this weeks reading by Kenemeyer et al. (2002) discusses the end of life options for computers, consider the following scenario for discussion.

It is understood that landfilling end of life computers would not be possible long-term due to the massive quantity of old technology that would build up over time.  Kenemeyer et al. (2002) proposed two possible demand outlets for computers at the end of their useful life.  First would be to contact and potentially sell refurbished computers. Second, would be to scrap the computers and sell the components, parts, and material to those interested in buying recycled commodity materials.  If you can come up with a third option, you can discuss that one instead.  However, you will need to make a case for a possible demand outlet for computers are the end of their useful life using qualitative or quantitative data.


Knemeyer, A. M., Ponzurick, T. G., & Logar, C. M. (2002). A qualitative examination of factors affecting reverse logistics systems for end-of-life computers. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 32(6), 455. Retrieved from

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