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?040 Communicating, Pro…
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In this first project, you will write a short essay about a belief or passion that you hold deeply. To prepare yourself for your graduate program, reflect about an experience, a belief, or particular part of your life experience that has influenced your professional direction. and maybe even resulted in your arriving here!
This project will refresh your writing skills as you tha next courses in your graduate program. This assignment is probably o c(), Imes in graduate school ,when you are asked to write from the first person. and :is a good place to start. -Iowever, don’t get too comfortable. Organizing collicend divergent thoughts to Nrite a short personal essay requires prewriting, perhaps outlining, and applying the mechanics of writing an essay paragraph- by- paragraph. Writing a paper paragraph- by-,aragraph requires that you understand how paragraphs are built. You will start each mragraph with a topic sentence, add supporting sentences, and conclude with a L o c a :0

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