We have looked at three Davids: Donatello, Verrocchio, and Michelangelo. Compare

We have looked at three Davids: Donatello, Verrocchio, and Michelangelo. Compare and contrast two of them. How are they similar and how are they different? You’re welcome to look ahead to the next chapters to include the Bernini. Tell me about them – don’t just provide a few sentences, fluff, or give me a history of the Renaissance. Tell me about the sculptures, use vocab, compare and contrast – what are they wearing, what is the moment the artist chose to depict, what are the approximate ages, the poses, the sizes, etc.?

Written response: this will be a regular journal assignment responding to the prompt. There should be specific examples. Don’t just tell me “in the Lamentation,” but WHERE specifically, “the emotion is seen on Mary’s face within the Lamentation scene.” I cannot stress this enough. Two to three paragraphs of good information that answers the question – no fluff, not giving me background on the artist, the movement, elaborating on the Biblical story, etc. Only relevant facts that pertain to the question
Write in your own words!!