Your research paper must be 8-10 pages long (Times New Roman Font, size 12, Double Spaced, 1″ Margins). The minimum number of sources and citations for your research paper is five (outside of class resources). You will need to use reliable academic research, and you may not use encyclopedia sites, such as Wikipedia, Britannica, and Also pick sources appropriate for the level of this course. For example, do you not use site that are designed for elementary or high school. You will need to cite throughout your paper, anything not general knowledge, using Chicago Style. The library will be a valuable source to you in the course of your research; there are ebooks as well as scholarly articles. Please let me know if you need any assistance navigating the library. You can also access Google Scholar directly from the library page and it connects the results to the library for easy access.
Note: Encyclopedias are not allowed; this includes, Britannica, and Your research needs to be more in depth at the college level.
This assignment is an opportunity for you to research a topic related to the study of the Holocaust that interests you in depth. This paper is not a historical narrative, but is an analytical paper. You need to form a thesis statement and include your analysis throughout your paper. Utilized detailed examples from your research to prove your thesis.
Note: I am available to read rough drafts that are submitted one week before the due date. I am available to discuss this project with you at any stage of research. You may email me theses statements to check, topic ideas, outlines, sources, etc. Remember I am here to help you!
Tips for your Final Paper:
-Include a Title Page (this does not count into the total page count for the assignment)
-Include a Bibliography or Works Cited Page (this does not count into the total page count for your assignment)>
-Cite all quotations, paragraphing, ideas, and information that is not general knowledge using Chicago Style footnotes.
-Develop a strong and specific thesis statement (argument) for your paper.
-Include a clear and focused introduction that establishes both your thesis and the main points for your paper.
-Tie information back to your thesis throughout.
-Include your analysis throughout; do not just give a historical narrative.
– Transition between topics and make connections (use your paragraph topic and concluding sentences to your advantage).
-Bring together your main points and re-summarize your thesis in a clear and focused conclusion.
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