1. Pastoral Theology
(Original Content Only) (600 words) (APA format) (APA in-text citations are a must)
Watch all 4 GYH videos and read all GYH academic resources for weeks 3.
GYH video Links:
*Each member will bring to the group one takeaway from each of the videos and articles. Group members will take turns sharing their insights and reflections on their takeaways (20 minutes). Next, group members will then discuss specific ways they have seen the impact of each week’s subject matter impact people in their sphere of influence. Describe the situation, the people involved, and what took place (20 minutes). Lastly, group member must share their own challenges with the material. Prayer will then be offered as deemed appropriate by all group members (20 minutes). If limited sharing occurs in this section, please pray for the local church es represented I the group related to the various themes of the week.
2. (Original Content Only) (7-page paper) (Kate Turabian Style Paper) (Footnotes are a must in a Kate Turabian Style Paper)
Note: The GYH (Guard Your Heart) themes that impacted me the most were “Baptism & Child Dedication” in week 4 since I plan on becoming a parent and “Funerals, Care for the Sick, & Counseling Ministry” in week 6 since I care for the elderly.
GYH links to videos:
Baptism and Child Dedication- Consequences https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kF8fwe-1DKFuz4-pTnD_84rn10GbnxQH/view
Baptism and Child Dedication- Impact
Baptism and Child Dedication-Heart Condition
Funerals, Care for the Sick, & Counseling Ministry– Accountability
Funerals, Care for the Sick, & Counseling Ministry- Dealing with the Problem
*Students are required to write a 7-page reflection paper on the themes from the GYH curriculum that impacted them the most.
3. Managing Conflict
(Original Content Only) (5 page paper) (APA citation) (At least 5 references) (Bibliography must be included)
Produce a paper 5 pages that summarizes your research in a topic of your choice. In either case, include a bibliography.
Topic: Fraternization and Preferential Treatment in the Workplace
4. Ethical issue
(Original Content Only) (3 paragraph post) (apa citations) (in-text citations are a must)
Find or describe from your own experience an example of an unethical issue in a workplace setting. What challenges did this create for the worker (s). What were the consequences of the problem? Was it eventually solved?
5. Reflection
(Original Content Only) (3 paragraph post) (apa citations) (in-text citations are a must)
Spend a few moments of reflection summarizing your thoughts about how you began the course (Beginners understanding of the field of management and how to gradually Manage Workplace Conflict) and how you ended the course. Is your knowledge deeper, broader, or much the same? How will you use the information you’ve learned in this class?