Analyze – Law of the Free Womb instructions: Your analysis must be 3-4 pages, do

Analyze – Law of the Free Womb
Your analysis must be 3-4 pages, double-spaced, and in Times New Roman font. Any other formatting styles (large margins, awkward or massive fonts) will negatively affect your grade, so please follow the directions carefully. You must cite at least one secondary source from class, in addition to citing any relevant lectures. You may use parenthetical citations when you cite secondary source material. You must include a works cited page formatted in Chicago Style.
may 9th – 22nd
writing your analysis, ask yourself the following questions about your source:
Who wrote/authored this, and who is the audience?o How might their identity shape the source’s meanings?
When was this primary source created and for what purposes?
What/Whose perspective is offered in the source?o Would these perspectives create any biases that we need to be aware of?
What is the context that the source is produced in?o Drawing on readings and lectures will be especially helpful. You shouldn’t need
to do any outside reading, and any citations must be from class materials only.
Does your source challenge, affirm, or complicate anything we’ve covered in class?
What can the document not tell us?
What do you not understand about the document?
o And what would you need to know to better understand it?
Once you’ve established your answers to these questions, start to formulate a thesis statement or argument. This is a claim that you are making in the analysis that is backed up by evidence, either from the primary source directly or from class readings and lectures.
Ultimately, your analysis should be less descriptive and more analytical. It’s okay for you to describe the document, but you have to go beyond that to explain deeper meanings.
Finally, use materials from class readings Muaze_Motherhood Silenced( attached below use at least 2 quotes) to help the analysis. These sources were chosen because in one way or another you have access to material to help you write your analysis. You should not bring in any outside sources.