As presented in your readings, there are various sources to gather epidemiologic

As presented in your readings, there are various sources to gather epidemiological data. Locate two sources of evidence based epidemiological data and explore their strengths and their limitations.

Cite your sources and reply to at least one other student’s or the Professor’s post.

Aschengrau, A., & Seage, G. R. (2020). Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health: Fourth edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning. Retrieved from EBSCO Multi-search in the TUW library. *Note – Read Chapters 4 & 5

Optional Materials:

CAS UCONN (2017, September 2). Epidemiology Lecture – Sources of Information[Video]. YouTube. (13:31)

Wood, A. (2018, March 6). Epidemiologic Data Sources and Measurements [Video]. YouTube. (1:32:04)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012, May 18). Lesson 3: Measures of risk.