nstructions Based on the Lesson Two materials, consider the following scenario a

Based on the Lesson Two materials, consider the following scenario and do the exercise in a Word format document.
Review the 2.1a PDF: “Is Ethics Based on Character?” and 2.1b PowerPoint: Lecture 4 Areteological Ethics.
The scenario:
Suppose that a Pastor visits in nursing homes because it is her duty, but she greatly dislikes doing so. She resents the time commitment and emotional involvement, and admits to a friend that she does not feel love or friendliness toward those she visits. She respects them and visits them only because obligation requires it. According to a strict deontological approach, such a person can perform a right action, have a disposition to perform that action (because she is disposed to follow the rules and perform obligations), and act commendably. According to an areteological approach, though, even though the act is right outwardly and the actor does nothing wrong, neither the act nor the actor is virtuous. A virtuous person not only has a disposition to perform good actions, but also desires the good. A person who desires to avoid doing the good action is not virtuous.
The exercise:
Would you say that this pastor and her nursing home visits are or are not virtuous? Why?
What virtue/s, if any, does this pastor display?
How can she develop the necessary virtue/s for this task of visitation?
Sources attached: