There are 2 TMAs for COM376e Strategic Social Media Management. TMA01 and TMA02 are each worth 20% of the overall assessment score. Class Participation/Discussion Board (DB) are worth 10%. Together, they constitute 50% of the final mark (the examination constitutes the other 50%).
Note: To pass the course, you will need to pass both the continuous assessment component (i.e. the assignments) and the exam.
You are to include the following particulars in your submission: Course Code, Title of the TMA, SUSS PI No., Your Name, and Submission Date.
Please upload this assignment to Turnitin by Monday, 17 February 2025, 11:55pm. Resubmissions are allowed before this cut-off time.
It is strongly recommended that you make an early submission to check the originality report and, if necessary, make amendments to your document for resubmission. Note that the Turnitin report is usually generated immediately after the first submission, however, subsequent reports may take up to one day to generate. Do note that Turnitin will not accept any further submissions AFTER the cut-off time. There is a 12-hour grace period after the cut-off time, which is not an extended deadline but solely meant for solving any technical problems that you may encounter while attempting to make a submission before the cut-off time. Please email Canvas Support immediately (with relevant screenshots and your TMA attached) and follow up with Canvas Support first thing in the morning to ensure that the problem is resolved before the grace period is over.
One late submission is allowed only if no prior submissions were made before the cut-off time.
Do note that the Canvas system will automatically deduct penalty marks for every day that your assignment is late. With this automatic deduction, there will be no need to request for extensions from your tutor because your tutor does not have the mandate to over-ride the Canvas system settings. You will need to form your own judgement as to how many marks you are willing to forego for each extra day that you gain to work on your assignment.
Take care to ensure that you upload the correct TMA document to the correct folder of the correct course. Requests to transfer incorrectly uploaded documents to the correct folder will require an official appeal (and an administrative fee).
Backup your TMA at all times. Once you have uploaded your TMA (in Word document format only), retain the Turnitin digital receipt as evidence of a successful submission. View your submission to ensure that the entire document has been uploaded successfully.
Plagiarism and Collusion
The assignment is to be completed on your own. You may discuss the TMA with your coursemates; however, the assignment must be written independently. Do not share your notes, draft or final TMA with anyone before the marked TMAs are returned to you.
Avoid plagiarism by giving yourself sufficient time to research and understand the material so that you can write up your assignment in your own words. Quotations should be used sparingly.
Simply citing the source of ‘copied’ chunks of text does not excuse it from plagiarism. Do ensure that any paraphrasing is done appropriately, even if you use text from your own work that you have submitted as part of another assignment for the same or another course.
The University takes a very serious view of plagiarism (passing off someone else’s ideas as your own, or recycling of contents from your own earlier marked TMA from the same course or another course) and collusion (submitting an assignment which is the same or very similar to another student’s). Both are very serious academic offences. Please refer to the Student Handbook on the penalties of plagiarism or collusion. You are strongly advised to submit your TMA early, check the plagiarism report yourself, and if needed revise and resubmit your TMA before the submission deadline.
Format Requirements:
• A cover page to include course code, course title, assessment title, student name, and student PI number.
• Font Style: Times New Roman; Font Size: 12; Line Spacing: 1.5 lines.
• Include the page number on each page.
• In-text citation and referencing in APA style.
Self-Declaration form on Academic Integrity:
Include the self-declaration form in all your TMAs (after cover page). A penalty of 5 marks deduction will be imposed if this self-declaration form is incomplete, inaccurate, or missing from the final submission of your assignment. Appeals concerning the self-declaration form will not be entertained.
Present your answers to the questions through a presentation video, accompanied by visual aids. Ensure the visual aids effectively complement your oral presentation. The total duration of your video, covering Questions 1 to 4, must not exceed 8 minutes. (100 marks)
Question 1
Identify TWO positive and TWO negative impacts of social networking sites, illustrate each with real-world examples or case studies, and evaluate their effects on individuals, communities, or society.
(20 marks)
Question 2
Develop a social media strategy for an eco-friendly product launch by selecting any THREE types of content and explaining how each will engage the target audience. Justify the effectiveness of each content type with a past example and provide detailed examples of how your proposed content types will be incorporated into your campaign. Mock-ups are not required.
(20 marks)
Question 3
Consider a hypothetical scenario where a company targets young adults with a social media campaign for a new eco-friendly product. Using the Uses and Gratifications Theory, Social Influence Theory, and Media Richness Theory, analyze how these theories explain the influence of social media on young adults’ engagement with the campaign.
(20 marks)
Question 4
Present and evaluate THREE crowdsourcing efforts by local organizations in recent years, highlighting one strength and one weakness for each, with relevant examples.
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Language, Referencing and Presentation
Demonstrate your understanding of Questions 1 to 4, with relevant research and communication skills through a video recording. Ensure the following:
• Your video must not exceed 8 minutes (for Questions 1 to 4 in total). Marks will be deducted if this rule is not adhered to.
• Structure and organize your presentation logically, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
• Visual aids (such as slides and images) may be used to enhance your viewer’s
• Include any references used as you present your answers and ensure that they are clearly visible in the recording.
• Speak clearly and confidently. Maintain a professional demeanor throughout the presentation.
• Check that you can be seen and heard clearly throughout the video.
• Record your TMA video, upload your .MP4 file via Panopto and proceed to
“Assignments” in the T-group to submit this video. Please refer to the video submission guide for more technical information.
(20 marks)
The assignment includes two compulsory components: a video submission and one additional component of your choice. The options are an Oral Defense or an Appendix Statement.
Oral Defense (OD) is a 5-minute session during the seminars on March 4 (Seminar 4) or March
11 (Seminar 5), where you will defend your work.
• Purpose: To assess your understanding of the material and your ability to communicate your ideas effectively.
• Format: You are not required to repeat the content of your video submission during the OD. Be prepared to answer questions from your instructor about your submitted video submission. Listen carefully, respond thoughtfully, and engage confidently.
• Session: OD will take place privately in a breakout group with your instructor.
• Scheduling:
o The course chair will provide a Google Doc for signing up for an OD time slot.
o Link to the Doc will be available in the L-Group Announcement.
o Slots will be strictly on a first-come, first-served basis.
o Choose only one time slot for either the March 4 or March 11 seminar session. Do not sign up for more than one slot.
o Be prepared to attend the entire seminar, as the OD will take place between the lecture and the class participation activity.
Appendix Statement (AS) is only for students who choose not to participate in the OD. It serves to ensure a detailed account of their work. Students who decide not to participate in the Oral Defense must submit an Appendix Statement (AS) via email as an alternative.
• Length: Strictly 1600-1800 words in total (with at least 400 words per question).
• Content: Provide detailed justifications for the content in the video submission. This submission should offer a thorough explanation that supports your responses to the three assignment questions.
• Purpose: To ensure a comprehensive account of the work for those not participating in the OD.
• Submission: Email the AS to your instructor by the deadline specified below.
To reiterate, please note the following deadlines:
• TMA01 submission of Mandatory Video Submission on Canvas: By February 17, 2025, at 11:55 p.m.
You must choose only one of the following options:
• Option 1: Oral Defense (OD)
Sign up for an Oral Defense time slot via the Google Doc (link available in the L-Group Announcement): OD sign-up sheet will be closed on February 17, 2025, at 11:55 p.m., after which you will not be able to access the document or amend your choice.
• Option 2: Appendix Statement (AS)
Email your Appendix Statement to your instructor: By February 17, 2025, at 11:55 p.m.
Please note that once you submit the Appendix Statement, you are ineligible to participate in the Oral Defense. Determine early whether you can attend the OD on March 4 (Seminar 4) or March 11 (Seminar 5). Choose your option carefully.
Important: If you submit only the video submission without participating in the Oral Defense or submitting an acceptable Appendix Statement (e.g. if the AS does not meet the word count requirement or is submitted late), it will be considered an incomplete submission and will result in a SIGNIFICANT mark deduction.
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There are 2 TMAs for COM376e Strategic Social Media Management. TMA01 and TMA02 are each worth 20% of the overall assessment score. Class Participation/Discussion Board (DB) are worth 10%. Together, they constitute 50% of the final mark (the examination constitutes the other 50%).
Note: To pass the course, you will need to pass both the continuous assessment component (i.e. the assignments) and the exam.
You are to include the following particulars in your submission: Course Code, Title of the TMA, SUSS PI No., Your Name, and Submission Date.
Please upload this assignment to Turnitin by Monday, 17 March 2025, 11:55pm. Resubmissions are allowed before this cut-off time.
It is strongly recommended that you make an early submission to check the originality report and, if necessary, make amendments to your document for resubmission. Note that the Turnitin report is usually generated immediately after the first submission, however, subsequent reports may take up to one day to generate. Do note that Turnitin will not accept any further submissions AFTER the cut-off time. There is a 12-hour grace period after the cut-off time, which is not an extended deadline but solely meant for solving any technical problems that you may encounter while attempting to make a submission before the cut-off time. Please email Canvas Support immediately (with relevant screenshots and your TMA attached) and follow up with Canvas Support first thing in the morning to ensure that the problem is resolved before the grace period is over.
One late submission is allowed only if no prior submissions were made before the cut-off time. Do note that the Canvas system will automatically deduct penalty marks for every day that your assignment is late. With this automatic deduction, there will be no need to request for extensions from your tutor because your tutor does not have the mandate to over-ride the Canvas system settings. You will need to form your own judgement as to how many marks you are willing to forego for each extra day that you gain to work on your assignment.
Take care to ensure that you upload the correct TMA document to the correct folder of the correct course. Requests to transfer incorrectly uploaded documents to the correct folder will require an official appeal (and an administrative fee).
Backup your TMA at all times. Once you have uploaded your TMA (in Word document format only), retain the Turnitin digital receipt as evidence of a successful submission. View your submission to ensure that the entire document has been uploaded successfully.
Plagiarism and Collusion
The assignment is to be completed on your own. You may discuss the TMA with your coursemates; however, the assignment must be written independently. Do not share your notes, draft or final TMA with anyone before the marked TMAs are returned to you.
Avoid plagiarism by giving yourself sufficient time to research and understand the material so that you can write up your assignment in your own words. Quotations should be used sparingly.
Simply citing the source of ‘copied’ chunks of text does not excuse it from plagiarism. Do ensure that any paraphrasing is done appropriately, even if you use text from your own work that you have submitted as part of another assignment for the same or another course.
The University takes a very serious view of plagiarism (passing off someone else’s ideas as your own, or recycling of contents from your own earlier marked TMA from the same course or another course) and collusion (submitting an assignment which is the same or very similar to another student’s). Both are very serious academic offences. Please refer to the Student Handbook on the penalties of plagiarism or collusion. You are strongly advised to submit your TMA early, check the plagiarism report yourself, and if needed revise and resubmit your TMA before the submission deadline.
Format Requirements:
• A cover page to include course code, course title, assessment title, student name, and student PI number.
• Font Style: Times New Roman; Font Size: 12; Line Spacing: 1.5 lines.
• Include the page number on each page.
• In-text citation and referencing in APA style.
Self-Declaration form on Academic Integrity: |
Include the self-declaration form in all your TMAs (after cover page). A penalty of 5 marks deduction will be imposed if this self-declaration form is incomplete, inaccurate, or missing from the final submission of your assignment. Appeals concerning the self-declaration form will not be entertained. |
Present your answers to the questions through a presentation video, accompanied by visual aids. Ensure the visual aids effectively complement your oral presentation. The total duration of your video, covering Questions 1 to 4, must not exceed 8 minutes. (100 marks)
Question 1
Assume you are the Integrated Communications Consultant for Explore Harmony Travels, a boutique travel agency specialising in eco-tourism and sustainable travel experiences. Over the past decade, Explore Harmony Travels has built a reputation for curating personalised, environmentally responsible travel packages that cater to adventure seekers and conscious travelers. The agency partners with local communities and uses sustainable practices to create immersive cultural experiences.
Your CEO has tasked you with developing an Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) campaign focused on social media to promote Explore Harmony’s latest offering — “Eco Adventures Unplugged,” a unique travel package featuring off-grid destinations, guided ecohikes, and community-led workshops. Assume there are no budgetary constraints for this campaign, which is scheduled to launch in the next two months. To address the following questions, make reasonable assumptions about Explore Harmony’s current situation.
a) Discuss the SIX key steps Explore Harmony should take to develop an Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) campaign on social media to achieve its marketing objectives.
(20 marks)
b) Evaluate TWO advantages and TWO disadvantages of using social media in
Explore Harmony’s marketing strategy, supporting your analysis with relevant examples from similar campaigns or cases.
(20 marks)
c) Analyse the readiness states of Singaporean customers in their adoption of
Explore Harmony’s services.
(20 marks)
d) Recommend any THREE essential social media metrics that Explore Harmony should use to measure the performance of its social media campaign. Provide hypothetical examples specific to ExploreHarmony to illustrate how these metrics could be applied effectively.
(20 marks)
Language, Referencing and Presentation
Demonstrate your understanding of Parts a to d, with relevant research and communication skills through a video recording.
Ensure the following:
• Your video must not exceed 8 minutes (for Questions 1 to 4 in total). Marks will be deducted if this rule is not adhered to.
• Structure and organize your presentation logically, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
• Visual aids (such as slides and images) may be used to enhance your viewer’s
• Include any references used as you present your answers and ensure that they are clearly visible in the recording.
• Speak clearly and confidently. Maintain a professional demeanor throughout the presentation.
• Check that you can be seen and heard clearly throughout the video.
• Record your TMA video, upload your .MP4 file via Panopto and proceed to
“Assignments” in the T-group to submit this video. Please refer to the video submission guide for more technical information.
(20 marks)
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