NURS 8114 Week 8: Components of Evidence-Based Practice: Searching the Evidence

Week 8: Components of Evidence-Based Practice: Searching the Evidence

Reflect on the thought you apply in evaluating a patient’s symptoms. In some situations the problem and response may be clear and direct. In others, you consider whether you have the information you need or whether you need more. Bring to mind what you might look for, such as more patient history or test results, to gather evidence that supports a successful treatment.

Searching the evidence for evidence-based practice also requires a careful and judicious process. Your topic may produce a rush of scholarly articles, and a scan of each may signal promising results. Or you may need to continue to search, or to refine your search terms. Searching the evidence involves time and close attention, just like searching to understand a patient’s needs.

This week you will begin your literature search in the Walden Library for evidence to inform a practice change. Your Discussion with colleagues can help launch a successful search.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Evaluate literature search experience
Apply literature search strategies
Evaluate scholarly articles for a literature review
Analyze scholarly literature for evidence
Evaluate quality of evidence to inform practice changes
Synthesize research to support nursing practice problems
Justify quality improvement/practice change initiatives

Learning Resources

Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)

Required Media (click to expand/reduce)

Optional Resources (click to expand/reduce)

Week 8: Components of Evidence-Based Practice: Searching the Evidence

Discussion: Search-Based Questions

The Discussion this week invites you to check in with colleagues and your Instructor on your experience as you begin your Module 4 Assignment to conduct a literature search in the Walden Library. This Discussion is a particularly good example of how colleagues can support one another in tandem as common work gets underway.

Note what you are discovering about search strategies that could be of benefit to colleagues, and prepare to consider their recommendations as well. Be sure that you begin your search of scholarly literature in the Walden Library promptly this week, to be prepared to post by Day 3. References and citations are not required for this Discussion.

To prepare:

Review the Week 8 Learning Resources, with particular attention to the Walden Library resources to support your literature search.
Evaluate your process as you access the resource materials and your literature search gets underway. Keep in mind the importance of selecting current literature, i.e., published in the previous 5 years. Consider what is working for you in identifying search topics related to your critical question and in finding relevant current articles, and what questions you have for colleagues and your Instructor.
Also draw on your Week 7 Discussion experience in identifying scholarly articles related to your critical question and comments from colleagues to act on as you begin your literature search. Be proactive in stating your questions and needs and clarifying your search process, to maximize the value of this Discussion and your Assignment in this module.
In addition to your Discussion post, you may also contact the Instructor directly by email with specific questions or needs related to your literature search. Follow the guidelines in the Course Syllabus for contacting the Instructor.

As I begin my literature search in the Walden Library for my Module 4 Assignment, I’m finding that using specific search terms related to my critical question is crucial in finding relevant articles. I’ve been experimenting with different combinations of keywords and subject headings to narrow down my search results and target articles that directly address my research question.


One strategy that has been helpful for me is utilizing the advanced search options in the library database to refine my search criteria. By filtering results based on publication date, peer-reviewed status, and subject area, I can ensure that I am accessing current and reputable literature that aligns with the requirements of my assignment.


Additionally, I’ve found it beneficial to explore the reference lists of relevant articles to identify additional sources that may not have appeared in my initial search. This snowballing technique has allowed me to discover related studies and broaden my understanding of the topic.


However, I still have some questions and areas where I could use assistance from colleagues and my instructor. For example, I’m curious about strategies for evaluating the credibility and relevance of the articles I find, particularly when there are conflicting findings in the literature. I’m also interested in learning more about effective methods for synthesizing and organizing the information gathered from multiple sources.


Overall, I’m hopeful that with continued exploration and guidance, I will be able to conduct a thorough and comprehensive literature search to inform my Module 4 Assignment effectively.

With these thoughts in mind …

By Day 3 of Week 8

Post a summary of your experience in beginning your literature search and assess your initial progress. Explain what is working for you in terms of a plan or search strategy for finding relevant, current literature, including Walden Library support resources you would recommend. Explain issues of concern and specific questions regarding the search process. References and citations are not required.

In beginning my literature search for my Module 4 Assignment, I’ve found the process to be both challenging and rewarding. One aspect that has worked well for me is defining specific search terms related to my critical question. By breaking down my research question into key concepts and using relevant keywords and subject headings, I’ve been able to narrow down my search results and identify articles that directly address my topic.


I’ve also found the advanced search options in the Walden Library database to be incredibly helpful. Using filters such as publication date, peer-reviewed status, and subject area has allowed me to refine my search criteria and ensure that I am accessing current and reputable literature that meets the requirements of my assignment.


Furthermore, exploring the reference lists of relevant articles has been a valuable strategy for discovering additional sources and gaining a deeper understanding of the topic. This snowballing technique has helped me uncover related studies and perspectives that I may not have encountered through my initial search.


However, I have encountered some challenges and areas of concern during the literature search process. One issue I’ve encountered is assessing the credibility and relevance of the articles I find, especially when there are conflicting findings in the literature. I’m unsure about how to determine which studies are most reliable and applicable to my research question.


Additionally, I’m interested in learning more about effective methods for synthesizing and organizing the information gathered from multiple sources. As I compile a list of relevant articles, I’m unsure about the best approach for synthesizing the findings and identifying key themes or patterns across the literature.


Overall, while I’ve made some initial progress in my literature search, I recognize that there is still much to learn and explore. I’m hopeful that with continued effort and support from colleagues and the Walden Library resources, I will be able to conduct a thorough and effective literature review for my assignment.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts.

By Day 6 of Week 8

Respond to at least two colleagues on 2 different days with suggestions of how to help and/or confirmation of similar issues/questions. No references are required.

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and you cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 8 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 of Week 8 and Respond by Day 6 of Week 8

To Participate in this Discussion:

Week 8 Discussion

Module 4 Assignment: Investigating a Critical Practice Question Through a Literature Review

This week you will begin your Module 4 Assignment, which is intended to inform and support your planning for your DNP Project in your program of study. This Assignment has two parts: a literature review in the Walden Library of research to address the critical practice question that you framed in Week 7, and a critical assessment of your search outcomes in which you synthesize the evidence. Both Parts 1 and 2 will be due by Day 7 of Week 10. Plan your time accordingly.

To prepare:

Analyze your critical practice question from the Week 7 Discussion. Based on feedback from colleagues and your Instructor, revise your question, as necessary, to ensure a clear and relevant focus for your literature search.
Review the Learning Resources to support your search.
Access the Individual Evidence Summary Tool Template document from the Learning Resources. This is a fillable PDF document that you will complete with at least 10 scholarly articles relevant to your critical practice question. Scan the template to ensure you understand how to enter information for each article you identify.
Use the Week 8 Discussion to guide and clarify your search process and to pose any questions related to the template categories, search terms, or others.

For the Module 4 Assignment, I will be conducting a literature review in the Walden Library to investigate the critical practice question that I framed in Week 7. This assignment is crucial for informing and supporting the planning of my DNP Project in my program of study. The assignment consists of two parts:


**Part 1: Literature Review**

In this part, I will search for and review relevant research articles that address my critical practice question. I will utilize the skills and strategies learned throughout the course to conduct a thorough search of the literature in the Walden Library. I will focus on selecting current and reputable sources published within the last five years to ensure that the evidence I gather is relevant and up-to-date. Additionally, I will critically evaluate the articles to determine their applicability to my practice question and assess the quality of the evidence presented.


**Part 2: Critical Assessment of Search Outcomes**

In the second part of the assignment, I will synthesize the evidence gathered from the literature review and critically assess the outcomes of my search. I will analyze the key findings, themes, and patterns identified in the research articles and evaluate the strength of the evidence supporting various interventions or approaches related to my practice question. Additionally, I will discuss any gaps or limitations in the literature and propose recommendations for further research or practice implications.


Both parts of the assignment are due by Day 7 of Week 10, so I will need to plan my time accordingly to ensure that I have sufficient time to conduct a thorough literature review, critically assess the search outcomes, and complete the assignment by the deadline.


Overall, I recognize the importance of this assignment in informing the development of my DNP Project and look forward to delving into the literature to explore potential solutions and evidence-based interventions related to my critical practice question.

The Assignment

Part 1: Literature Review (10+ scholarly articles)

Using the Walden Library as your source, search to select at least 10 scholarly articles that represent current literature (i.e., published within the previous 5 years) with evidence that addresses your critical question and could inform a practice change initiative for quality improvement. Using the Individual Evidence Summary Tool template document, complete all sections for each article.

**Individual Evidence Summary Tool**


**Article Title:**

[Insert article title here]



[Insert authors’ names here]


**Year of Publication:**

[Insert year of publication here]



[Insert the objective or purpose of the study here]


**Study Design:**

[Insert the study design here]



[Insert information about the sample size and setting of the study here]



[Insert a brief description of the methods used in the study here]



[Insert key findings/results of the study here]



[Insert strengths of the study here]



[Insert limitations of the study here]


**Implications for Practice:**

[Insert implications of the study for practice here]


**Relevance to Critical Question:**

[Insert explanation of how the study is relevant to the critical question here]



**Article Title:**

[Insert article title here]



[Insert authors’ names here]


**Year of Publication:**

[Insert year of publication here]



[Insert the objective or purpose of the study here]


**Study Design:**

[Insert the study design here]



[Insert information about the sample size and setting of the study here]



[Insert a brief description of the methods used in the study here]



[Insert key findings/results of the study here]



[Insert strengths of the study here]



[Insert limitations of the study here]


**Implications for Practice:**

[Insert implications of the study for practice here]


**Relevance to Critical Question:**

[Insert explanation of how the study is relevant to the critical question here]


*Repeat the above format for each of the 10 scholarly articles selected.*

Part 2: Critical Assessment (7+ pages)

In a paper of at least 7 pages, plus cover page and references page, include the following:

Write a critical assessment of your search outcomes that synthesizes the evidence from your literature review.
Demonstrate clear connections between the practice problem that informs your critical question, your appraisal of evidence that addresses the critical question, and resulting clarification on the need for a practice change initiative focusing on quality improvement. Be specific and provide examples.

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.


**Title:** Critical Assessment of Literature Review Outcomes: Informing Practice Change for Quality Improvement



In this paper, I will provide a critical assessment of the outcomes of my literature review conducted to address a practice problem and inform a critical question. The literature review aimed to identify current evidence that could support a practice change initiative focusing on quality improvement. The practice problem revolves around [insert practice problem here], which was framed as a critical question to guide the literature search. Through the literature review, I aimed to synthesize the evidence and evaluate its relevance and applicability to the practice problem, ultimately clarifying the need for a practice change initiative.


**Synthesis of Evidence:**

The literature review yielded a total of 10 scholarly articles published within the past 5 years, each addressing various aspects of the practice problem. The evidence synthesized from these articles highlighted several key themes and findings:


**Theme 1: [Insert theme 1]** – Several studies emphasized the importance of [insert key findings related to theme 1], suggesting that [insert implications for practice].
**Theme 2: [Insert theme 2]** – Other articles focused on [insert key findings related to theme 2], indicating that [insert implications for practice].
**Theme 3: [Insert theme 3]** – Additionally, some studies explored [insert key findings related to theme 3], indicating that [insert implications for practice].


Overall, the synthesis of evidence provided valuable insights into the practice problem and potential strategies for addressing it through a practice change initiative.


**Connections to Practice Problem and Appraisal of Evidence:**

The evidence obtained from the literature review directly aligns with the practice problem identified and the critical question framed. The literature provided comprehensive insights into the factors contributing to the practice problem and potential interventions for addressing it. By critically appraising the evidence, I was able to assess the strength and reliability of the findings and their relevance to the context of my practice setting.


For example, one study highlighted the effectiveness of [insert intervention] in improving [insert outcome], which directly addresses the practice problem identified. The rigorous methodology and robust findings of this study enhance its credibility and applicability to my practice setting, supporting the need for a practice change initiative.


**Clarification on the Need for Practice Change Initiative:**

Based on the synthesis of evidence and critical appraisal, it is evident that a practice change initiative focusing on quality improvement is warranted to address the identified practice problem. The literature review identified evidence-based interventions and strategies that have the potential to improve patient outcomes, enhance quality of care, and optimize resource utilization in my practice setting.


By implementing these evidence-based interventions, we can address the root causes of the practice problem and work towards achieving positive outcomes for our patients. Moreover, the literature review highlighted the urgency of taking action and implementing changes to improve the quality of care and patient outcomes.



In conclusion, the critical assessment of the literature review outcomes has provided valuable insights into the practice problem and informed the need for a practice change initiative focusing on quality improvement. The evidence synthesized from the literature review supports the development and implementation of evidence-based interventions to address the identified practice problem and enhance the quality of care provided in my practice setting.



[List references here according to APA guidelines.]

There is no submission due this week.

Complete Parts 1 and 2 of your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 10.

What’s Coming Up in Week 9?

Photo Credit: [BrianAJackson]/[iStock / Getty Images Plus]/Getty Images

Next week you will continue your literature search in the Walden Library and begin appraising the evidence in the scholarly resources you are gathering. You should be using the Individual Evidence Summary Tool template to record required information about each resource you select, and to support your analysis and evaluation process.
There is no Discussion this week, to provide maximum time for your literature review. Keep in mind your Module 4 Assignment includes a critical assessment paper, which is also due by Day 7 of Week 10. Be sure to contact your Instructor with questions or concerns regarding this Assignment.


Looking Ahead: Week 10 Discussion

Week 10 includes a Discussion in which you will share preliminary outcomes and analysis from your literature review with colleagues. Your initial post is due by Day 3. Plan your time accordingly in Week 9 to ensure you are prepared for both the Week 10 Discussion and completing your Module 4 Assignment.

Week 8: Components of Evidence-Based Practice: Searching the Evidence

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