Qualitative Evaluation of the Lifting Task- The next step in the evaluation process is to conduct a qualitative analysis of the lifting task: Occupational Biomechanics Assignment, SUSS

Question 2
Qualitative Evaluation of the Lifting Task
The next step in the evaluation process is to conduct a qualitative analysis of the lifting task. Although this part of the evaluation does not involve heavy mathematics, it can provide quick indications to the trained eyes on the potential problems that may arise from the lifting task.

Analyse the lifting task qualitatively using the approaches listed below. Your report should include the following for each of the approaches:
• describe the process you have taken for the evaluation
• present the results textually and graphically, where appropriate
• comment on the methods and results obtained
• determine and briefly discuss the suitability of each method for evaluating the lifting task.

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(a) Direct Observation method:
• this is a direct observation of the lifting task, without using any technical aids
• observe the lift task at different angles (at sagittal, coronal and/or other relevant planes)
• use hand sketches to record postures adopted in the lifting task
• keep a record of the textual descriptions of the task.

(b) Photographic and/or Videographic method:
• use appropriate camera(s) to take images of the lifting task
• take pictures of the task in different views/planes (e.g. sagittal plane)
• ensure that the worst-case scenario of the postures are captured
• the image must also include the relevant context for proper analysis
• faces of the person involved must not be edited/blurred out.

(c) Charting method:
• you may use a suitable charting method
• state and describe the specific method used
• explain the reasons for selecting the method
• calculate the final score, where relevant.

(d) User Survey method:
• use an appropriate questionnaire to obtain user feedback on the lifting task
• you should also extend the survey to people in the workplace who also carry out similar lifting tasks regularly
• tabulate your results
• include a sample copy of the feedback in the main report.

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Question 3
Quantitative Evaluation of the Lifting Task

Now we come to the more ‘technical’ part of the analysis: quantitative evaluation of the lifting task. These evaluation methods provide us with a means to communicate how damaging a lifting task could be using more ‘persuasive’ numerical numbers.

Analyse the lifting task quantitatively using the approaches listed below. Your report should include the following for each of the approaches:
• describe the method succinctly
• present the results in the most appropriate manner, either in textual description, in tabulated form, or graphically
• comment on the method and the results obtained
• determine and briefly discuss the suitability of each method for evaluating the lifting task.

(a) NIOSH Lifting Equation (NLE):
• state and tabulate the parameters (i.e. distances, angles, etc) and their multipliers clearly
• detailed calculation of the multipliers must be included in the appendix
• illustrate the lifting task graphically, indicating both the Origin and Destination together with their relevant parameters clearly
• analyse the lifting task using NLE at both origin and destination
• discuss how you may improve the lifting efforts by considering the values of the multipliers with respect to the results obtained.

(b) Free Body Diagram (FBD) of the entire person:
• sketch an FBD of the task as performed by the user, using the entire user as the free body
• select a worst-case scenario of the lifting task, use that as the basis to sketch the FBD
• include all the forces acting on the person, show their respective vertical and horizontal components in the diagram
• present the FBD as a clearly labelled diagram.

(c) Biomechanical Analysis:
• the FBD obtained from Q3(b) above is not suitable for biomechanical analysis of the lifting task
• modify the FBD by using only the upper half of the body as the new FBD, i.e. sectioning the body through the L5/S1 level, and designating L5/S1 as the fulcrum point
• sketch the new FBD, show and label all external forces acting on the body, including the gravitational effects and the erector muscle force at L5/S1
• carry out a biomechanical analysis based on the new FBD:
o on a duplicate diagram of the new FDB, include the relevant distances
between the various forces and the fulcrum
o develop a biomechanical equation by equating the moments generated by the external loads against that from the muscle force to maintain equilibrium
• state the equation clearly in the report.

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